Stars Who Study Stars

The astronomy profession is a small community of kindred souls all focusing on dozens of different ways to understand the science of the cosmos. I go to astronomy meetings pretty frequently (well, at least once or twice a year), to catch up on the latest and greatest in astronomy research. Mr. Spacewriter has accompanied me to a couple of meetings because I wanted him to experience the science being presented, and so he could meet some of the same folks. At the opening reception of the meetings, we’ve run into many, many people I’ve worked with or went to school with “back in the day.” And, marvelled at the fresh infusion of new blood into the profession. Of course there are folks from NASA and many research institutions at the meetings, but also people like Pamela Gay and Fraser Cain, who are the main drive behind Astronomy Cast. Pamela (who is also a university professor) is doing a lot more than research and teaching in astronomy. Like me, she loves to share astronomy with the public, in any way she can.

There are also a good many very talented science writers who attend AAS meetings, reporting on the science “hot off the presses.” It’s been an honor to meet some of them, too. Where else could I have met New York Times science writer John Noble Wilford? He attended a great many AAS meetings, always asking the astute questions and subtly drawing out an education in astrophysics through his questions. Or Dutch writer Govert Schilling? Or many others who have attended these sessions over the years.

As a writer, I’ve found many outlets for the material I learn at astronomy meetings. Of course, I use the science in my documentary shows. But, for the past few years, in addition to my fulldome show production work through Loch Ness Productions, I’ve been contracted by various observatories to work as an editor and outreach person. The work runs the gamut from writing and/or editing press releases to creating exhibits. Lots of fun, and I’d love to do more of it.

And, so I shall. To wit: in a very short time, Mr. Spacewriter and I will be starting production on some vodcasts under a NASA grant with MIT Haystack Observatory. And, much of the material we’re going to talk about is from papers I’ve heard and read about at AAS meetings, as well as from direct contact with astronomers in their research settings. Through all my “productions,” I hope to excite the downloading public about the science these guys are doing. I want to show their enthusiasm and love of subject to the rest of the world, because astronomers really are as much the stars of my work as the stars they research and explore.