Carnival of Space-Lunar Edition

Browse the Latest Science Blog Entries

Name that element!
Name that element!

After hosting Carnival of Space last week I hardly  need remind folks that there’s a new Carnival of Space this week, hosted over at The Moon Society Blog. In addition to another of my own modest offerings, there are entries from a number of other good science writers on the Web.

You can read about corporate space strategies, NASA Educational outreach, presidential politics and space exploration, Mars exploration, and much, much more! Check it out!

Also, just for fun, go check out the quiz page. I took the “Name that Element” quiz and geekily enough, first time I did 15 out of 16; second time I aced it!  There are bunch of other quizzes over there, including one that NO self-respecting space geek should or could flunk!


Thanks to Phil Plait for that educational time sink!