Science Viz

What is It?  What Isn’t It?

My last entry featured a lovely image of Saturn and several of its moons. I hope you had a chance to look it over because it’s really quite breathtaking.  The image was part of a sequence of images that were taken with HST and those images were used to make a scientific visualization of the event. Was it a movie?  An animation? Or what?

As Frank Summers, a scientific visualizer who works at Space Telescope Science Institute explains in a thought-provoking blog entry about the images and animation of this event (work done by artist Greg Bacon), HST is not a movie camera. It’s an observatory. And the images it takes can be used to make visualizations that help us understand the science behind the observations. There’s a fine line there and he discusses it in a nicely written entry about visualizations, movies, and animations.

Science visualizations are part of my life as a producer of various bits of media for astronomy outreach. I’m always on the lookout for good viz, so to speak, and in my own mind I know the difference between data-driven visualizations versus actual imagery. But, that may not be true of audience members who simply see the visual work and accept it as a simulation or real image or whatever it’s being represented as. Digital manipulation of data in the service of education and outreach is very common in our field.  And, I suspect that we’ll always have the question of “is it visualization, an image or an animation?” And, when does it  matter and when doesn’t it?  Frank talks about that — so go check it out — from the blog of the master.

Quadruple Saturn By-pass

HST Captures a View of Four of Saturn’s Many Moons

So, last entry I had you examining the details of an image of a galaxy pair some 70 or so million light-years away. Today, we’re going to look at at the details of an HST image of a scene that played out some 70 or so light-minutes away at the planet Saturn.

Four of Saturns moons transiting the planet as seen by HST. (Click to embiggen -- caution-huge image!)
Four of Saturn's moons transiting the planet as seen by HST. (Click to embiggen -- caution-huge image!)

If you click on the smaller image, you’ll get a much bigger one that shows the details of a rare transit of four of Saturn’s moons:  Titan (the large one at the top of the limb of Saturn), Mimas (below Titan and casting a shadow near the rings) and bright Dione and fainter Enceladus off to the left. These transits only happen from our point of view when Saturn’s ring plane is nearly edge-on as seen from Earth.

Later this year, on August 10 and September 4, 2009, the ring plane will appear perfectly edge-on; however, we won’t be able to see that rarity because Saturn will be too close to the Sun for good viewing. These happen periodically though — in another 14-15 years we’ll get another chance to see the rings edge-on again.

Gaze at this image (particularly the large one)  for a while — note the faint banding in Saturn’s atmosphere and the sharp shadow of Saturn’s rings darkening the cloud tops.  For more information on the image and how the HST folks got it, check out the web site news release. It’s got details about the exposures used, the observation times and much more.

There’s even a nifty video sequence of four “eclipses” as the moons transit the planet.  You can see it here.

And, thanks to Andy Chaikin for pointing out that there’s an even COOLER pic of the transits on the Hubble Heritage site. Those moons are lined up quite  nicely!

A Hubble Heritage view of the Saturn transit. (Click to embiggen.)
A Hubble Heritage view of the Saturn transit. (Click to embiggen.)