Cosmological Assimilation

The Big Bang Cubed

Astronomers looking out to the limits of the observable universe with a variety of instruments have stumbled across one of the basic building blocks of the universe — a previously little-studied region in the map of the early universe known as the WMAP. Closer study also revealed some stunning new clues about the ultimate evolution of the universe.  The discovery was made by a team of researchers at the University of Börgen, led by Dr. Severna Nyen.  They took the original WMAP data and remapped it into a series of data cubes, utilizing a fine-mesh data sieve to separate out some of the earliest flickers of radiation in the known universe. According to Dr.  Nyen, the final data deconvolution brought some surprises. “Our final cube was only a few thousand light-years on a side,” she said. “Within that cube, we found objects that were moving at subliminal speeds and gobbling up matter as they did. If we extrapolate out this action across 13.7 billion years of cosmic evolution and extend it another 13.7 billion years, we find some startling conclusions about how matter will be assimilated in the far distant future. And this has tremendous implications for what will ultimately happen to the universe.”

The team has published an an animated zoom-in of their findings (Flash version) to help the public understand what they’ve found. A WMV version can be played below.


Dr. Nyen’s team is preparing a paper describing their preliminary results.

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