Category Archives: galaxy distributions

Survey the Universe?

How It Has Been Done with SDSS

The Perseus Cluster, as seen through the eyes of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Courtesy Robert Lupton. Click to biggify.

The universe is a strange and wonderful place.  How do I know this when I haven’t explored it all? When astronomers are still searching out the distant reaches and early history of the cosmos?  I know it from the work done by scientists using such observatories as the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe, and the phalanx of ground-based observatories such as the Subaru Telescope, the Gemini Observatory, the European Southern  Observatory, and many, many others.  Quite significantly, I know it from the results of a sky survey that revolutionized our view of the universe–mostly of the galaxies, galaxy clusters, and quasars — but also by looking at bodies in our own solar system.  That survey was the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, which has carried out deep multi-color surveys of more than a quarter of the sky. Data from its first surveys were used to create three-dimensional maps of nearly a billion galaxies and more than 120,000 quasars. It’s now in a new program of observations called SDSSIII that will continue until the year 2014.

All this work has been done using a 2.5-meter telescope on a mountain in southern New Mexico. A single telescope!  It’s an amazing and ongoing accomplishment.

The Sloan began operation in 2005, and I often wondered about the people who put it together. Certainly I’d heard plenty about the survey at meetings, and had met some of the Sloan planners. But, as with the Hubble Space Telescope, I really didn’t know much of the history of the project when I first signed on to work with an instrument team back in grad school.  HST piqued my curiosity, and so in 1992 and 1995, I worked on a book with co-author Jack Brandt (a former team lead for the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph on HST, and now at the University of New Mexico) called Hubble Vision. I also did a planetarium/fulldome show called Hubble Vision about HST’s accomplishments, which I periodically update.

Working on those projects gave me a lot of insight into the people who make such instruments work, and their hopes and dreams for the outcome of their astronomy work.  Hubble’s history is replete with individuals who designed the instruments, solved the problems, recognized the errors of spherical aberration, and who have made the many,  many accomplishments possible.  Some of those same folks have been involved with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, too.

I just finished reading a book about the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS, for short) and the folks who made it a reality. The book, called A Grand and Bold Thing, by Ann Finkbeiner, gives us a look not just at Sloan and its accomplishments, but at the dream it sprang from — beginning with the spiral bound notebooks of astronomer Jim Gunn (who first brought the idea up at a meeting in Tucson in 1987), and the further refinements of the first planning documents and taking us to the observations made by this project.  At one level,  the book does what Jack and I tried to do for Hubble: give readers a look at the PEOPLE behind the instruments and accomplishments.  Ann’s writing is clear and wonderful, and she really lets the reader see the history and growth of SDSS quite clearly, through the eyes of the astronomers who made it happen.  These are REAL people who sweated over the development and installation of SDSS, and their accomplishment is considerable.

Along the way, we also learn about the universe that SDSS (and all its observational siblings) has revealed to astronomers.  SDSS’s contributions to understanding the large-scale structure of the universe are considerably one of the most important achievements in astronomy.  Without the data that SDSS, and sibling surveys such as the 2DF and 6DF observations, astronomers might still literally be groping in the dark for an understanding of how matter is distributed throughout the universe.

Finkbeiner weaves in the story of thediscovery of the structure of the cosmos as she tells the story of the SDSS.  For me, entwining together the story of scientific discovery with the tale of the people who enabled the SDSS’s odyssey of discovery is a heady brew. You should drink it in for yourself!

A Cosmos of Galactic Content

We’re In Your Universe, Classifying Your Galaxies

As every astronomy enthusiast knows — and as many people are now learning by looking at great images from Hubble Space Telescope and other observatories — there are countless galaxies out there. They seem to exist as far as we can detect — as far back as the earliest epochs of cosmic history after the Big Bang. Last week, I posted about an image that HST took that showed galaxies as they looked at least 13 billion years ago. The big job for astronomers now is to understand the long line of evolution that begins with the first shreds of galactic matter (stars, gas, dust) that clumped together early in a galaxy’s existence — and continues through galaxy mergers and acquisitions to make the galactic objects we see today. At the same time, astronomers need to classify each galaxy they see by shape, mass, distance, color, and size.

The image shows collections of galaxies as generated by a computer model. The yellow objects are most distant and therefore appear as they were 13 billion years ago. The closer galaxies appear as they look in more recent times. Courtesy A. Benson (University of Durham), NASA / STScI. Click to galaxify.

The way to do that is take data about galaxies that we already know about, from surveys and observations by such telescopes as HST and the Two Micron All-sky Survey (2MASS, a ground-based observatory) and dump that data into computer models that slice and dice the data. The output?  An image that looks remarkable like actual survey images of galaxy fields.  That’s what two astronomers — Dr. Andrew Benson of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Dr. Nick Devereux from Embry-Riddle University — did. Their work was just announced and is written up in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Their results explain the diversity of galaxy shapes we see.   Their image (to the left) contains images of data from HST and 2MASS, and looks very much like that Hubble Deep Field image we saw at the AAS meeting last week.

Now, galaxy shapes are an interesting substory in astronomy history because, up until less than a hundred years ago, astronomers didn’t know what galaxies were, much less how to classify them. We didn’t even know WE lived in a galaxy until the early years of the 20th century.  Some of the most flashy arguments of that time were about just what the “spiral nebulae” were that astronomers were observing. There was, in fact, a well-known public debate in 1920 called the Shapley-Curtis Debate, and it really was about the scale of the universe and these spiral nebulae that seemed to be scattered around in nearby space.

It really took the advent of larger telescopes, reliable photographic instruments, and the science of astrophysics before astronomers fully understood the nature of galaxies. And, once they began looking out at the cosmos with improved instruments, they saw galaxies everywhere!  As far as we can see, we detect galaxies. And, they come in an amazing array of shapes. Classifying galaxies became a growth industry.

Astronomers began with the basic shapes:  elliptical, spiral, and irregular. But, as astronomers examined more galaxies, the simple three classes began to fragment into subclasses. Edwin Hubble (for whom the HST is named) came up with a classification scheme that is named after him, and is the basis for the more extensive classifications astronomers use today.

The Hubble Galaxy Classification scheme, modified by more recent studies of galaxlies. On the left are elliptical galaxies, with their shapes ranging from spherical (E0) to elongated (E7). Type S0 is intermediate between elliptical and spiral galaxies. The upper right line of objects stretch from Sa (tightly wound spiral) to Sc (loosely wound spiral). The lower right line shows the barred spirals that range from the tightly wound SBa to loosely wound SBc types. Credit: Ville Koistinen

If you look at this scheme and then look at the image above — or at any HST image of galaxies — you’ll see these basic shapes. Astronomers see these shapes back almost to the earliest epochs of galaxy formation — although the very earliest galaxies often looked more like shreds of material, as opposed to the more fully formed objects we see today.

So, what does galaxy classification do for us? Certainly it helps astronomers understand how many different galactic shapes there are out there. And, how many of certain types of galaxies lie at huge distances from us (at presumably earlier times) versus how many are relatively nearby and more recent.

But, look at this another way — at some level and for many galaxies, we’re seeing an evolutionary history as we look at the shapes. For example — astronomers can see places where spiral galaxies are colliding. In the fullness of time, those collisions will produce NOT new spirals, but elliptical galaxies with old stars with very little starbirth activity, but sporting supermassive black holes (and possibly high-speed jets).  In the process, the colliding galaxies will tear out huge tidal streams of gas and dust, where starbirth activity will go off like firecrackers.

Spirals, on the other hand, are hotbeds of star formation. How do they form?  Like other galaxies, they are created as smaller galaxies merge and coalesce and the complex gravitational interactions shape the spiral arms.  Our Milky Way galaxy is a barred spiral, and its shape implies that it has experienced a pretty complex history, with only a few minor collisions and at least one episode where the inner disk collapsed to form the large central bar.

And, there’s a lot of evidence that black holes play a part in galaxy formation and evolution as well. And, just to make things interesting, galaxies are very likely all embedded in haloes of dark matter — invisible “stuff” that seems to affect the evolution of galaxies as they ride along the expansion of the universe and traverse the cosmos.

As it turns out,  some irregular galaxies are also the sites of intense star formation.  In at least one case, which we saw at the American Astronomical Society meeting last week, the Small Magellanic Cloud (which is an irregular galaxy in the Milky Way’s neighborhood), is glowing with star-forming activity.

Galaxies are fascinating objects — just when we think we understand them, we find more of them to study– and classify. There’s more than enough work to do, and the observatories of the future (like James Webb Space Telescope and others) will give us deeper looks at more distant galaxies and their structures.