Twittering Across Space and Time

Real-time Updates

Okay, so I must be the last one in the cosmos to realize that several of NASA’s missions are Twittering to interested fans here on Earth. I heard about it somewhere, so I went out and got a Twitter account so I could get these updates from the Hubble mission crew, the Mars landers, and some future missions to the Moon. I have a few other Twitterers I’m following, and I’m sure there’ll be more.

Today I learned that LRO_NASA is working on some data acquisition and getting ready for some rehearsal for their mission(s). NewHorizons2015, which is on the way to the outer solar system (Pluto territory) gave me some background about Pluto’s atmosphere and geology.

And, of course, I’ve let the world (or at least the few people who are following me (I’m spacewriter on there, very imaginative, I know)) know what I’m doing.  You can follow my rather infrequent Twitters if you like, but I suggest you go check out some of the NASA Twitters; go to Twitter and search for NASA.  All kinds of cool stuff comes up — stick to the ones that are actually at NASA and you’ll have more Twitters than you know what to do with!