STEM, STEAM, and PLUTO, continued…

The other day I posted in an article called STEM, STEAM, and Pluto, about how artists and musicians are showing a little Pluto love in their work. Just yesterday, the New Horizons team had a visit from the great band Styx, which is only appropriate since the name of one of Pluto’s moons is Styx. They had some major hits, including the song “Come Sail Away”, which was a theme song for many of us in planetariums where laser shows played. I hadn’t listened to that piece for a long time, so yesterday, I pulled it up on Spotify and it was just as great as ever, and a wonderful theme for this mission.
There are new pieces of artwork and videos coming out just about every day, as people realize just how cool this little world and its exploration is going to be. Here’s a great little piece by the Galaxy Girls, showing their great love for Pluto in this music video.
Alan Stern also announced a great little video called “The Wait”, that dramatizes our long wait for the flyby of Pluto. I like that it takes place in a planetarium, where I hope a lot of people will be visiting next week. There are a lot of great women and men who work in planetariums who are just waiting to share the wonders of Pluto with you!

Space artist Don Davis has been working up some visionary views of Pluto, along with his own take on the Pluto postage stamp we’re all dreaming of having someday. I also like his moody view of the Sun (at right), peeking out from around Pluto as it would have looked in 1996, when Pluto was closer to the Sun and its atmosphere was a bit more “puffed out”.
Also, check out space artist Ron Miller’s paintings of planetary objects, including Pluto, at Black Cat Studios. I’ve long admired his work, and he does a great job in depicting distant worlds with uncanny realism.
I’m sure there’ll be more Pluto art coming in the next few days. I’m loving all of it and thank all the talented folk who are showing us the “art” in space art, space music, and music videos!