It’s Happening Every Day
Welcome to the page for my October 13, 2010 episode of 365 Days of Astronomy. In that episode I discuss some astronomy topics that make the news fairly regularly — such as the ongoing discovery of extrasolar planets, the study of black holes and tracking impacts on Jupiter. There are many “hot” topics in the news when it comes to astronomy and space exploration. I get a daily (or semi-daily) round of press releases from all kinds of research institutions, ranging from the Space Telescope Science Institute, NASA, European Space Agency, and others — all touting the latest discoveries. Eventually those stories make it into the news you see in the media. Finding astronews isn’t hard, although the mainstream media outlets don’t seem to know what to do with such news. On CNN, if it’s published it all, it comes under “tech”…you kinda have to dig for actual science stories there. But, there are many better places online for straight science news without to wade through the “here’s the latest techno-wiz toy” or “the war between operating systems” stories.
Here are some links to online science news s0urces that are reliable and on target. Check ’em out!
Astronomical Society of the Pacific’s Astronomy Behind the Headlines
And, there are many more. Each of these sites has links to other places with science news. Check ’em out!