It’s 75 Years Old!

Welcome to my 365 Days of Astronomy pages. For my May 2010 podcast, I’ve chosen to focus on the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California. On May 14, 2010, it celebrated its 75th year of bringing astronomy to the public. I am lucky enough to have worked with Griffith on its recent renovation as its exhibit writer, and so I’m attending the party to celebrate an institution that I admire and support! My May 15 episode of 365 Days is part of that celebration. I’m a huge fan of their outreach efforts and have good friends who work there to bring a love of the stars to everyone!
To read more about this celebrated observatory, check out the website at You should also check out the world-famous “Friends of the Observatory” — a support organization that works closely with the observatory to bring school kids on visits to learn about astronomy. I’m a member of FOTO, and if you like Griffith’s mission, you should be, too!