Category Archives: asteroids

Exploring Psyche, the Metal World

In just over two years, NASA will launch a probe to Psyche, an asteroid often dubbed as a “metal world”. Instead of being made mostly of ice, this asteroid’s composition is rocky-metallic. Why is it so important to study such a place? In short, the planet you stand on is made of the same materials.

Long ago, in the earliest epochs of the solar system, little bits of metallic rock like Psyche collided to form bigger worlds. These planetesimals are the building blocks of Earth, Venus, Mercury, Mars, and probably the cores of the giant planets. So, looking at this asteroid is like looking at the pieces that formed our planet.

About Psyche

An artist concept of the Psyche orbiter studying the surface of asteroid 16 Psyche.
An artist concept of the Psyche orbiter studying asteroid 16 Psyche during one of its orbits. Courtesy Psyche Mission/NASA.

Psyche was discovered in 1852 by Annibale de Gasparis. Its full official name is 16 Psyche, and it’s one of the ten most massive asteroids known in the solar system. It’s small, but it more than makes up for that with its interesting makeup. Psyche is very massive and has about 1 percent of the mass of the Asteroid Belt tied up in its 200-kilometer-wise body. It’s very likely to be the leftover iron core of a protoplanet, which would explain its massive properties. There has been water ice detected on its surface, probably delivered by impacts with other meteorites carrying ices.

Astronomers are still figuring out Psyche’s history, but the general story is that it probably was larger at one time (very early in the history of the solar system). As we all know, the infant solar system was a busy place. There were countless impacts among objects; some of them created larger objects. Some of them blew others apart.

That’s likely what happened to Psyche’s parent body. What was left is the current “version” of Psyche, and the rest of the pieces are scattered among the belt, or probably shattered into smaller ones by subsequent collisions. Another possibility is that the parent asteroid was leftover from the formation of the inner planets, and its outer layers battered away by continued collisions with other leftovers. Either story would explain why this asteroid is not much more than a metallic iron core with a layer of silicate rocks as a “surface”.

Asteroid Studies Teach about Past and Present

Planetary scientists are interested in asteroids for the role they play in the solar system. Certainly, they were part of our formational and collisional history. That “collisional part” is still a concern today, particularly about the asteroids that come close to our planet. Psyche isn’t one of those, however. The real value is in helping us understand that ancient time when Earth and other planets were still babies themselves.

The Psyche Orbiter

To explore this little world, NASA’s Psyche orbiter has to launch on 2022. If that happens, then it will head out on a trajectory that takes it past Mars for a gravity assist in 2023. The spacecraft arrives at Psyche in 2026. It will orbit for just under two years, studying the surface from ever-closer orbits.

The Psyche team has put together an interesting outreach plan. It’s called the “Innovation Toolkit”. First, if you want to learn more about the mission and spacecraft, they have a class for that! You sign up online and take the course at your own pace. The five-hour course gives a peek behind the scenes at what it’s like to plan a mission and carry it out.

The second course is a team-building exercise aimed at showing how diverse people can come together to focus on a single mission and “get ‘er done”. It’s all about collaboration and inclusivity to achieve some remarkable science goals.

The mission team plans to add other courses in the next couple of years, as the time for launch gets closer. There are also some very interesting videos and other activities available on the Psyche mission site. Check it out and follow along with the mission team as they closer to launch, and the exploration of Psyche.

Which Asteroid is the “Mother Lode”?

Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy on an Asteroid Could Help Find the Mother Lode

Artist’s concept of an asteroid redirect mission, in which new gamma-ray detecting technology might be used to assess an asteroid’s mining value.

Now that President Obama has signed the U.S. Commercial Space Launch Competitive Act into law, also known as the SPACE Act of 2015, the concept of mining asteroids has taken another step from the realm of science fiction into the real world. Such companies of Planetary Resources, Inc. can now start making more firm plans to utilize asteroids for their raw materials.

Of course, space mining isn’t going to start anytime soon. That’s because the infrastructure to get people and mining equipment out to an asteroid isn’t exactly in place. But, with the successful launch and soft landing of the Blue Origin rocket, and the continuing tests of other boosters and launch services by such companies as SpaceX, and space agencies such as NASA and ESA, figuring out HOW to get to space (and get mining equipment to an asteroid) will happen in the not-too-distant future.

Seeing Inside a Rocky Body

Once you get “out there” to do some mining, how do you tell which asteroids are mother lodes and which ones will be just barren rocks in space? It’s going to take new tools. For example, a team of scientists at Vanderbilt and Fisk Universities, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and the Planetary Science Institute have been working on an instrument that could let a mining company know which rocks are worth going after. It’s called a gamma-ray spectroscope — a technology that’s been around for a while. In fact, missions to the Moon, Mars, Mercury, and asteroid Vesta (for example), have used low-resolution versions of such a spectrometer. This new one is a next-generation design that can be set to detect veins of gold, platinum, rare earth metals and other useful materials hidden within asteroids.

How it Works

Planetary gamma-ray spectroscopy depends on the idea that all objects in the solar system are continually bombarded by cosmic rays. They strike the exposed surfaces at relativistic velocities. That smashes atoms in the top layers apart, which creates a secondary shower of particles. That includes neutrons, which collide over and over again with the atoms in the material. The repeated smashing produces gamma rays. These are a form of electromagnetic radiation like light, but considerably more powerful and penetrating. The decay of long-lived radioactive elements is a secondary source of gamma rays.

The gamma-ray spectroscope records the intensity and wavelengths of the gamma rays coming from the surface of an object bombarded by cosmic rays. Its data can be analyzed to determine how much (if any) important rock-forming elements are in the asteroid. This includes oxygen, magnesium, silicon and iron, as well as precious metals like gold and valuable crystals  like diamonds.

Future Missions to Asteroids

Now that the legal way is cleared for asteroid mining, the first missions using this new method of “long distance detection” of valuable materials could come as early as the 2020s.  Of course, we have already visited asteroids with science missions, and those will continue. Mining operations will take longer to put in place. In the meantime, scientists studying moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects in the solar system will find the newly developed gamma ray spectrometer a handy tool to help them understand what those objects contain.

Exploitation is the Future — and It Raises Questions

Scientifically, this is an amazing new step — the chance to study objects and really learn about them from their interactions with cosmic rays. Legally and culturally, however, I wonder if we’re ready. This new law could open up the floodgates of space “claim grabbing” by any country with a space-faring ability.  Are the laws in place to protect the planets from contamination enough to induce the asteroid mining companies to proceed with caution? What happens if two companies from two different companies want the same asteroid? Or lay claim to vast swaths of space containing potentially valuable ones? Farther down the line, how will this space race for resources change our societies? These are all questions that will need to be answered as we make our moves to space in the next few decades.