Category Archives: chemistry

Doing Astronomy Through Chemistry

It’s Elemental, Dear Watson

In the last entry, I referred to a star that astronomers studied to understand its chemical makeup in an effort to figure out where it came from. That raised a question about how astronomers figure out the chemical makeup of a star.

They use a technique called spectroscopy. That’s really a $25.00 word that means “breaking the light up into its wavelengths” and then comparing the data to the spectral fingerprints of known chemical elements. This is something that chemistry folks (who study the elements in the universe) do all the time, and a technique that let astronomers look at the radiation emitted from an object in space in new ways. It’s fair to say that when astronomers began using spectroscopy to study stars and galaxies, the science of astrophysics took a huge leap forward.

Astronomers use specialized instruments called spectrographs, which were first used by chemistry researchers to study the spectral fingerprints of elements in the lab. (Read more about them here). Astronomers employ spectrographs to break up the light from stars, galaxies, planets, nebulae, etc. into its component wavelengths. The data from these instruments is then plotted, which lets the researchers analyze the chemical signatures in the light and compare them to the signatures of known elements.

The “prism” view of a spectrum of a star with hydrogen in its atmosphere might look something like the images below. The top image shows what it looks like when hydrogen absorbs light as it is emitted from an object. This means that hydrogen exists in or near the object. The bottom image shows what it looks like if hydrogen is emitting radiation (while it is heated). Each chemical element has a unique absorption fingerprint.

Hydrogen absorption spectrum, courtesy

Each element has a typical “absorption” pattern that shows up in the spectrum of a star where the element exists. An object in space can also have an emission spectrum, which tells us that some element is being heated and glowing brightly. There’s a rather nice tutorial about spectra here if you’re interested in learning more about them.

So, the short answer to the query about how the astronomers figured out the chemical makeup of the star HE 0437-5439 is, they studied the light it radiates and compared what they found to the known chemical signatures of elements, particularly metals. They then compared THAT information to spectral studies of regions in the LMC. From that, they can draw a pretty good assumption that the star came from that region.

One other thing about spectra: you can also tell an object’s velocity through space and the direction it’s traveling, all using spectra. There’s a gold mine of information locked away in the light and other wavelengths of radiation being emitted from objects in space. It’s an amazing treasury that astronomers tap into every time they study an object through a spectroscope.)

Hidden in the Light

A spectrum showing lithium in a metal-poor star
A spectrum showing lithium in a metal-poor star

Not all the great stuff astronomers get the from sky is in the form of pretty pictures. Granted, gorgeous astrophotos are addictive, but they don’t tell the whole story of the universe. Astronomers also study data in the form of spectra. The figure above is a good example of a spectrum. Basically it tells astronomers that a star called G271-162 has a certain amount of an element called “lithium” — which is relatively rare in the cosmos compared to other elements. This star is what is known as a “metal-poor” star — one that formed in the earliest times of the universe. “Metal-rich” stars are those formed from interstellar gas and dust that has probably been “recycled” through at least one star and enriched with metals. So, if we study older stars like G271-162 and figure out how much they have of certain elements, that will tell us a lot about what elements were most plentiful in the early, early universe. Astronomers want to understand how much lithium was produced in the birth of the universe — the Big Bang — some 12 to 14 billion years ago. The amount of lithium older star will help them understand it.

You can’t take a picture of lithium, but you can study the light coming from a star — and break it up into a spectrum. If lithium is present in the star, it will show as a “dip” in the spectral line — which is exactly what you see in this graph.