Category Archives: HII regions

The Science of Life

What Came First?

Yesterday I was at an all-day symposium about the Origins of Life, held by the Radcliffe Institute and the Harvard University Origins of Life Initiative. The keynote speakers covered some of the major bases in a very complex field of play and I came away with the notion that there are no “chicken and egg” questions here, only a lot of people wondering which PART of the egg came first.The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

While I was at the meeting, a couple of press releases plopped into my Email box. Both of them were about subjects that come up whenever you talk about origins of life in the universe. The first was from the European Southern Observatory, showing an artistically beautiful set of data from astronomers who have mapped the distribution of material inside a dark nebula called the Corona Australis molecular cloud. Molecular clouds are places where astronomers have found a number of organic molecules needed for the creation of life. They’re also quite dusty, threaded with the metallic minerals that life also needs. So, it stands to reason that such places would be part of the “egg” that we study when we ask questions about how life got started here on Earth. This is because the solar system formed from such a cloud some 5 billion years ago.

The ESO image is actually a composite of near-infrared scans of the cloud made using an instrument sensitive to such wavelengths. Near infrared light helps astronomers probe the insides of such clouds to understand how they form and evolve.

The other press release that landed in my IN box was from the University of California at Santa Cruz and deals with exoplanets, another piece of the “origins of life” egg. These are worlds around other stars, and are places where we hope to find more life in the universe, some day. In particular, the news here is that a new study suggests that a planet similar to Earth (a “terrestrial type”) could be orbiting one of the stars in the Alpha Centauri system, the closest stars to our own. They lie about 4.3 light-years from us, which for celestial neighborhoods, is basically the house next door. If it does exist, might it look like Earth (as shown in this artist’s conception, done by Mark Fisher)? We won’t know until we find it.

Now, the news here is really that the planet MAY be orbiting the star and that astronomers could detect it using techniques that are in use today to look for stars around other planets. The techniques, which came in for some discussion at Radcliffe yesterday, center around using something called the Doppler detection method. It doesn’t image a planet directly because finding something as small as a planet in the glow of a star’s light is quite difficult, if not impossible in many cases. The Doppler method measures the shifts in light that we see coming from a star as a planet orbits around it. The gravitational pull of the planet is just enough to cause the star to wobble, and that affects how it looks through a spectroscope (the instrument used to study the spectra of light coming from objects).

Detecting the wobbles from big planets, what are often called “Jupiter-sized” planets is pretty straightforward because they induce big wobbles. Little planets, like potential Earth-like ones, cause small wobbles. These are harder to detect. But, according to a computer simulation done by the folks at UC-Santa Cruz, it can be done. The two astron0mers who did the study, Gregory Laughlin (of UCSC) and Debra Fischer (of San Francisco State University), are now leading an international program to study Alpha Centauri using the 1.5-meter telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile. They are hoping to find real planets, based on their simulation and using the technique of Doppler detection.

These two studies are chewy and tasty pieces of the larger pie that is the search for life (and its origins) in the cosmos. It’s only a matter of time before those other planets will be found (if they’re there). We continue to study how life began on our own planet. What we learn should be helpful if and when we ever find life elsewhere in the cosmos.

November Roses and the Southern Sky

CCPs Rose Tub
CCP's Rose Tub

I just got back from a week’s vacation in sunnier climes and was surprised to see one of my rose gardens still blooming after a snowstorm and some chilly rain while I was gone. We’ve had something of a mild autumn this year in New England, and some flower gardens are still glowing madly away, basking in the last warm weather before the snows start in earnest. This little tub of roses is dedicated to the memory of Caroline Robinson, late wife of Leif Robinson — a former colleague of mine from Sky Publishing. She loved to garden, and when I was planting these little Canadian roses earlier this year, I thought of her and her fight against cancer. A few weeks ago we attended Caroline’s memorial service and I thought about these roses out there, still blooming this late in the year.

N44 as seen by VLT
N44 as seen by VLT

Another set of blooms arrived in my computer’s inbox today — this set from the European Southern Observatory. These roses are really giant clouds of glowing hydrogen gas coloring the space in the Large Magellanic Cloud — a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way. This European Southern Observatory image captures the beautiful sight of a 1,000 light-year-wide HII region (consisting of hydrogen gas being lit by radiation from 40 very bright bluish-colored stars) called N44. Astronomers studying this cloud think that some supernovae have exploded in N44 during the past few million years, “sweeping” the surrounding gas away from the supernova sites. Hot stellar winds from other massive stars in this area are blowing bubbles in the surrounding gases, twisting the material into wispy filaments and bright knots.

A small programming note: regular readers of this blog may notice that I’m fiddling around with the layout and template design. I hope to be through messing around with it soon but I do appreciate your patience while I figure out what I’m doing!

Also, have a look over at the library and gift shop on my website. I’ve been adding some holiday gift ideas at the suggestion of several readers who have been writing to ask me about the perfect gift for that stargazer they know. I’ve got links to books, telescopes, binoculars, star charts, space music and many other items — some with links to (which itself has loads of details about these products as well). Happy browsing!