Category Archives: planetary science

Looking Up Enriches Your Brain

Kepler Said So

I was digging around online the other night for some information and ran across a quote that you might find refreshing. It’s by astronomer Johannes Kepler, and it goes like this:

The treasures hidden in the heavens are so rich that the human mind shall never be lacking in fresh nourishment.

Well, think about it for a minute.

If you step outside on a clear night and look up, what’s the first thing you see?  If the Moon’s out, of course you see that.  And, if you gaze it at for more than a few seconds, you start thinking about what it’s made of. Or, you might think back to a time when men walked on it.  If you have a telescope, you probably decide to go get it and check out the Moon, up close and personal.

If the Moon’s not out, then you have the stars and planets to gaze on. And those also stimulate ideas and questions in your mind.  That’s the nourishment Kepler is talking about. Mind nourishment, stimulated by stars, takes you out to the universe. It gives you a reason to look beyond yourself, away from the planet and out to places where other suns (and other planets) are whirling around in the galaxy just as ours does.  And that is a great treasure to think about!  More precious than all the wealth on this planet, and free to anyone who can look up and wonder about the sky!

Going South for the Summer

Cassini at Enceladus: More!  More!

These are the infamous tiger stripes in the region on Enceladus where Cassini scientists spotted material coming out of vents.  It’s a false-color mosaic–meaning that several sets of images from the Imaging Subsystem were pieced together and colored to highlight specific units of the surface that scientists want to study. Here’s what the Cassini mission press release has to say about this image:

Areas that are greenish in appearance are believed to represent deposits of coarser grained ice and solid boulders that are too small to be seen at this scale, but which are visible in the higher resolution views, while whitish deposits represent finer grained ice. The mosaic shows that coarse-grained and solid ice are concentrated along valley floors and walls, as well as along the upraised flanks of the “tiger stripe” fractures, which may be covered with plume fallout that landed not far from the sources. Elsewhere on Enceladus, this coarse water ice is concentrated within outcrops along cliff faces and at the top of ridges. The sinuous boundary of scarps and ridges that encircles the south polar terrain at about 55 degrees south latitude is conspicuous. Much of the coarse-grained or solid ice along this boundary may be blocky rubble that has crumbled off of cliff faces as a result of ongoing seismic activity.

Wouldn’t it be fun to hike this area? Perhaps in the future, planetary geologists will bring their equipment here to sample the surface, measure its properties, and give all of us here on Earth the ultimate close-up pictures of this fascinating moon.

Just to give you an idea what Voyager 2 saw, here’s the image we all marvelled over 27 years ago this month. Even then, we were all fascinated with the juxtaposed terrains and mysterious cracks on this icy surface.  What a difference nearly three decades makes!

I’ve written before about the scene at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena that night, when Enceladus showed us her stuff. It was a noisy, wonderful experience, made even  more exciting by the fact that when this picture came down from the Deep Space Network and scanned across the screen, it was during a live broadcast of Nightline. A lot of science writers and planetary scientists were standing around watching, and thus we were all together in one big happy family jabbering to each other about what we were seeing on the screens. We made so much noise when we saw the pics that the floor directors for Nightline had to shush us several times, pretty much to no avail!  Hey… we were watching planetary science history unfold before our eyes.  With all due respect to Ted Koppel, Enceladus was far more fetching and mysterious, and we weren’t going to let the chance go by to do instant science interpretation on that amazing image!