Category Archives: planets

Alien Life, Distant Worlds, and Us


Worldly Thoughts


I woke up this morning thinking about the latest discoveries of planets around other stars. Astronomers are using a variety of techniques to find them, and totals are racking up quickly. Most of the planets that have been found are “Jupiter-like,” meaning they are gas giants with huge atmospheres. They’re relatively easy to find because of their size. Worlds like Earth (the terrestrial worlds) are smaller, and tougher to spot. But because astronomers have been able to spot the environments in which planets form around stars (that is,in clouds of gas and dust), it’s pretty likely that there are many terrestrial planets out there, too. We just have to dig into those clouds and come up with the planets. Which will take time and some sophisticated astronomy search methods.

Yesterday, the Spitzer Space Telescope folks released news that Earth-like planets might form around many of the closest Sun-like stars. This orbiting telescope, which is sensitive to infrared light (think “warmth”) was used to study dust envelopes around nearby stars. These are warm places. Dust closer to the star is hotter than dust farther away from the star, the warm dust is a fair indicator of the types of materials that form rocky planets—that is, Earth-like worlds. Such discoveries always lead to the old question, “Is there life out there?” It’s a fair one to ask.

For now, the definitive answer is “No.” But, that’s because we haven’t seen the evidence for any other life out there. Yet. We don’t have communications from that life, or pictures of it, or any other manifestations of it that we recognize as a definite “signal.” But, if it’s out there, there’s some chance that we’ll detect it. Some day.So, what I woke up thinking about was what life on OUR planet will be like once we discover life somewhere else. Will it change us in some non-physical way? Will our thinking change about life? About politics? Religion? Education? Science? The way we treat our own planet?

Life from “Out There”—Threat or Learning Experience?

Courtesy SwapmeetDave.

The concept of life elsewhere is a major staple of science fiction stories. Depending on the story being told, the life from “out there” can be threatening, friendly, super-intelligent, simple, primitive, or depicted as being far beyond what we can comprehend. In reality, the life we find beyond Earth will likely be some combination of these factors, and perhaps look nothing at all like what we expect. How that life will act? Well… like we do with our deities, humans have painted aliens with a palette of characteristics that we most admire and/or fear in ourselves. When we DO get to meet other forms of life, the experience may teach us a bit more about respecting the life forms we share Earth with.Wonder about why I say that?Well, consider for a moment what humans and human activity (such as whaling) looks like to the cetaceans that inhabit our planet. Or, think about what our planet might look like to alien visitors who come in search of us and they find how we’ve treated our environment.These may be extreme examples, but the point I’m trying to make here is that the search for intelligent life (and other planets) isn’t one-sided. If there’s somebody out there looking for life elsewhere, and they find US, will we inhabit their worst nightmare or exemplify their fondest wishes? Either way, the possibilities are thought-provoking.

Mars-Asteroid Smackdown Averted; Astronomers Heave Sighs of Relief

A No-Go Asteroid Collision

Well, it looks like Mars isn’t going to get smacked at the end of this month after all. Astronomers are now giving the asteroid 2007 WD5 a 0.0 percent chance of hitting the planet, based on updated orbital information for the wandering bit of solar system debris. The best guess puts the asteroid on a close fly-by, passing about 7 Mars radii from the surface.Being the bloodthirsty lot we are, some of us at the AAS meeting last week were talking about how “cool” it would be if something DID smack into the surface of Mars, especially while we could watch it with orbiting spacecraft around Mars and the surface-bound rovers. I guess it’s the planetary science equivalent of being a pyromaniac (and watching things blow up).

Planetary Bod Mods

Impacts, which we don’t get to see happen very often, are one of the ways that solar system bodies are modified. Worlds can get smacked into, surfaces can be eroded by weather and other atmospheric processes (like rain and snow (and not just rain and snow made of water, mind you)), they can be paved over by volcanism, or they can be disturbed from below the surface (quakes and subsurface activity driven by internal heat).

Mars has been modified by all these processes over the billions of years it has existed. Take a good look at any picture of Mars, like the one below (taken by the Mars Global Surveyor on August 8, 2006), and you’ll see impact craters, or canyons, or the remains of what look like dry riverbeds tracing their way across the plains.

Every one of those surface features has a story to tell about some aspect of Mars history, and we’re just now decoding what they have to say. So, while I’d have loved to have seen the effect of an asteroid smackdown on Mars, I’m not too upset that it’s missing the planet. There’s plenty of “cool” stuff to study already!