Category Archives: solar system

Welcome to (another) Dune-ish World!

Intriguing Planetary Science Images

A radar scan of Titans surface, showing wind-whipped dunes. Courtesy NASA and the Cassini Mission Team. (Click to embiggen).
A radar scan of Titan's surface, showing wind-whipped dunes. Courtesy NASA/Cassini Mission Team. (Click to embiggen).

The Cassini mission keeps coming up with more surprises out at Saturn — and especially on Titan.  Normally we can’t see anything on Titan (at least optically) except its cloudy atmosphere. But, when Cassini turns on its radar mapper and scans the surface, an amazing wealth of surface features just leap out at us.

A closeup of dunes on Titan.  Courtesy NASA/Cassini Mission. (Click to embiggen.)
A closeup of dunes on Titan. Courtesy NASA/Cassini Mission. (Click to embiggen.)

A couple of weeks ago, the Cassini mission’s high-resolution radar system mapped a series of dune fields on Titan. These dunes are moved around by surface winds, and most likely are built-up piles of hydrocarbon sand grains that come from combinations of organic chemicals in Titan’s smoggy atmosphere. The winds blow them along, wrapping them around any surface features that stick up as obstacles in their paths.

From the radar images that Cassini sent back, planetary scientists were able to count up to 16,000 dune segments that act as a sort of weather vane, pointing the direction in which the winds blow on Titan.

As the winds change direction, the orientation of the dune fields also change. The winds come from several different directions, and the dunes reflect that in the way they line up and appear to be cutting across each other in some places. These dunes appear to be concentrated mostly around Titan’s equator. This is probably because weather conditions are drier there — which means there are more particles for the winds to pick up and scatter along their paths.

Conditions elsewhere on Titan are too “wet” because there are more lakes of liquid hydrocarbons. This makes it less likely that the climate will “dry out” enough to form these sand grains.

The Kuiseb river region in Namibia is bordered by wind-blown dune fields. Courtesy NASA. (Click to embiggen.)
The Kuiseb river region in Namibia is bordered by wind-blown dune fields. Courtesy NASA.

If you’re thinking this is all looking very familiar — it is.  Earth’s deserts and dune fields exist in dry climates, where winds can pick up grains of sand and dust and blow them around — forming traveling dunes.

Windblow dunes in and around a crater in the Syrtis Major volcanic region on Mars. Courtesy NASA/Mars Global Survery
Windblow dunes in and around a crater in the Syrtis Major volcanic region on Mars. Courtesy NASA/Mars Global Surveyor. (Click to embiggen.)

We see similar things on Mars, which is peppered with dune fields on its broad plains and inside some of its larger craters.

Anyone who has traveled in the American Southwest, for example, or in the deserts of North Africa, will be familiar with dunes. They move the same way on Earth as they do on Mars and now, Titan.

Images and discoveries like these of dunes on other worlds are all part of planetary science. Or, if you like, comparative planetology. Essentially when we look at other planets, we look for things we can explain and understand based on processes we see and usually understand here on Earth.

What are those processes?  Think of them in terms of what modifies a planet. What changes its surface or its atmosphere?  It’s easiest to think about what happens to Earth over time.  Geologists look at processes like volcanism (the action of volcanoes and volcanic flows), tectonism (faulting and folding of a planet’s outer layer), impact cratering (when projectiles slam into the surface and create craters), and atmospheric processes.  Geology is, in fact, a huge part of planetary science.

In the case of dune creation on Earth and other worlds, planetary scientists focus on the atmospheric processes that shape a planet. These can be things like rain or snow falling onto a surface and changing it in some way. Or, it can be chemical weathering — that is, the action of a chemical like (say) sulfuric acid falling as rain on a surface and eating away at it.  Or, we can see what’s called “aeolian” (wind-blown) changes to a surface. Sometimes this means that a surface is scoured clean by winds. Or, it can mean — as we’ve sen in these images of Titan, Earth, and Mars — that winds are taking what’s already present on the surface — piles of sand and dust — and moving them along, forming dunes as they go.

As we see more familiar processes occurring on other worlds, we can more easily explain them in terms of what we know about from what we see on Earth. These intriguing images, and many others taken by scores of spacecraft at other planets, are — in a very large sense — making us more at home in the solar system, even as they teach us about our own planet’s place in the hierarchy of worlds that orbit the Sun.

If the Solar System Had a Help Desk…

An Imaginary FAQ about Very Real Places

Your Solar System!
Your Solar System!

Thank you for your interest in our new and expanded solar system. While it’s still a work in progress, more than 4 billion years in the making, we’re quite pleased with it so far. We have big plans for improving and evolving all the various worlds and objects it contains. We hope you will find millenia of enjoyment with this unique planetary system.

We know that you’d like to go out and explore the solar system, but until we have perfected the human-transport user interface that will allow you to do so, you’re limited to what we can supply from robotic probes, and our collection of ground-based and space-based telescopes and sensors.T

We’re sorry for the delay in the transport system, but we’re still working out a few design and fabrication issues that will allow for exploration in comfort and safety.

Before remotely exploring the solar system, please take a moment to browse through our FAQ, which is based on questions from earlier users.

Q. I note that there are thousands of objects in this solar system. How can we possibly keep them all straight?

A. A very good question!  We’ve conveniently sorted your solar system objects for you. The largest object is the Sun. It’s a star, and so far it’s the only one in the solar system. It’s also the largest and most-massive object in the system.

The next-largest objects are the planets, and they’re sorted by size, composition, and dynamical characteristics. The Jovians (also known as the gas giants) are the large ones. They’re made mostly of gases wrapped around small rocky cores. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Following that are the terrestrial planets: Earth, Mars, Venus, and Mercury. They’re smaller and made mostly of rocky materials.

Q. What about Pluto? Isn’t it a planet?

A. A commonly asked question based on a classification system that has been recently updated. No, Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet.  This is for a variety of reasons, which you can read here. There are several dwarf planets and more are being discovered all the time.

Q. So, what are the other classifications?

A. After dwarf planets we have asteroids, comets, moons, and rings. Moons and rings are commonly found around other planets, although some asteroids also have moons.

Q. I heard something about some Planet X that is supposed to be hidden from us and is headed straight for Earth. What’s up with that?

A. Nothing. Chalk it up to a drama queen with an overactive imagination and no background in science.

Q. What’s this I hear about mysterious magnetic fields in space?  Can they hurt us?

A. Every planet in the solar system has a magnetic field. They’re generated by normal processes deep within the planets. Those magnetic fields extend out into space and interact with the solar wind, which (among other things) carries the imprint of the Sun’s magnetic fields out through the solar system. Magnetic fields are perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. In fact, life on Earth would be very difficult if we didn’t have one.

Q. I read somewhere that there are hidden cities on Mars. What’s up with those?

A. Nothing. In more than 40 years of Mars exploration, no one has ever found any trace of life on Mars that was capable of building cities. In fact, nobody has found cities. That’s not to say there wasn’t life on Mars, but if it did exist (or exists today) it’s very likely it was microbial and never got to the stage of building cities. Or carving faces. Or sending spacecraft to Earth to terrorize people in New Jersey.

Q. Here on Earth we’re supposed to have a comfortable environment. Lately, we’ve noticed temperatures rising globally, accompanied by some strange weather swings. What’s going on?

A. You’re experiencing global warming, brought on by excess carbon dioxide in your atmosphere emitted by automobiles and other polluting technology. The way to fix this is obvious: cut your carbon dioxide emissions as quickly as you can and you can avoid major catastrophic changes.  For more information, see here.

Q. Are there other places where humans can live in the solar system?

A. Interesting question. There’s no place quite like Earth. You could try Mars, but you’d need to build some sealed habitats and learn to go outside in space suits all the time.  You could also try the Moon, but that’s got even less of an atmosphere and would require you to live underground to avoid being fried by dangerous radiation from the Sun.  Your best bet, if you really feel compelled to migrate off-planet, might be to build habitats in orbit around Earth. Let us know how that works out for you.

Q. Are you thinking of creating other solar systems for us to explore?

A. There are some prototypes around about 228 other stars, but none of them are remotely like this solar system (so far).  Keep checking back with us, though. Anything is possible, given the right kind of stars and a long-enough evolutionary process for their planetary systems.

Q. When will the updated version of this solar system, complete with planetary exploration craft for humans to be use be available?

A. We’re hoping to roll out a new spin-off program called “Mars Exploration 2.0” sometime in the next 20 years. That depends heavily on global investment and interest in such a mission. Until then, we’re concentrating on “Lunar Exploration 2.0” which builds on the Apollo variant of Lunar Exploration 1.0, first built and implemented in the 1960s. More details will show up at in the very near future.