Category Archives: solstice

Solstice Thoughts

Here in the northern hemisphere the most northerly point of the Sun’s path across the sky is rapidly approaching. June 21 marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This same day brings the shortest day of winter for you folks in the southern hemisphere, with the longest night to follow. I’ve noticed the change of the day length more directly lately, since the sunset point is now almost directly aligned with one of the windows in my office and if I’m working after dinner (which I almost always am), it’s shining right in my eyes.

So, solstice is the latin word for “sun still.” It doesn’t mean the Sun literally stops in the sky. It couldn’t, since the Sun’s apparent motion across the sky is caused by the Earth’s turning on its axis. It only LOOKS like the Sun is crossing from East to West each day.

If you watch the sunrise and sunset points each day for a year, you’ll notice that the Sun rises and sets farther and farther north from December 21 to June 21, and then rises and sets farther and farther north from June 21 to December 21 (if you’re in the northern hemisphere). On December 21 and June 21, the Sun seems to pause in its southern and northern migrations. Those are the solstice times.

Why the north-south migration? Again, it’s the motion of the Earth that makes it look like the Sun is wandering north-south. There’s a cool little movie here that shows how the tilt of our planet’s equatorial plane with respect to the Sun is responsible for the change of seasons. It also affects which part of the Earth is tilted toward the Sun throughout the year.

Now, it’s no coincidence that some of the best parties of the year are held around the solstices. In ancient times, the winter solstice was the darkest, coldest time of year, and people held parties (or performed ceremonies) to mark the time and hope for a new year to begin (with its promise of warmth and life). At the summer solstice, people partied because the weather was good, crops were growing, food was plentiful. We still celebrate at both solstices today (and some religions have ceremonies and rituals at these times, too). I like to think of these times as celebrations of motion in the universe—motions of our planet around the Sun and on its axis. And every planet does this, so every planet has solstices, each in its own way.

Modern folks aren’t so tuned to the change of seasons as the ancients were. But, we can still go outside each day and make notes of sunrise and sunset positions throughout the year. And, there’s still time to party at summer and winter solstice, just like our ancestors did. So, if you’re in the northern hemisphere, take time out on the 21st of June to celebrate the longest day of the year. If you’re south of the equator, here’s hoping you’re warm, safe, and looking forward to the spring and summertime weather you’ll be enjoying while we have autumn and winter later this year.

The Solstice is Coming! The Solstice is Coming!

I got two press releases in my email today — both touting the upcoming solstice as something newsworthy. Oohhhkayyy…. let’s look at this a bit deeper. First of all, “what’s the solstice?” you might ask. Simply put, it’s the day when the Sun reaches its southernmost point in the sky during the year. After that, its zenith point marches steadily northward. This year that special day is Monday, December, 22nd at 2:04 a.m. (for the folks on the East Coast of the U.S. — folks on the West coast start winter at 11:04 p.m. on the night of the 21st and for folks in England, it’s 7:04 a.m. on the 22nd.)

So, you might further ask, what’s the big deal here? Will the world tip over? The stock market surge on the news? The planets move into alignment? Will spiritual auras envelop everyone who waves a burning sage bouquet in front of a pyramid-shaped quartz crystal? Naw. The solstice isn’t a mysterious or metaphysical occurrence. It’s an entirely naturally-occurring twice-a-year event that has more to do with how the Earth moves around the Sun. Here’s what the good folks at Sky & Telescope have to say about the solstice:

“The seasons’ starting times are governed by the Earth’s motion around the Sun — or equivalently, from our point of view, the Sun’s annual motion in Earth’s sky. The start of winter (for the Northern Hemisphere) is defined as the moment when the Sun hovers over Earth’s Tropic of Capricorn (the line of latitude 23.5 degrees south of the equator) before heading north — a moment called, by Northerners, the winter solstice.

The Sun appears to move north and south in our sky during the year because of what some might consider an awkward misalignment of our planet. Earth’s axis is tilted with respect to our orbit around the Sun. So when we’re on one side of our orbit, the Northern Hemisphere is tipped sunward and gets heated by more direct solar rays, making summer. When we’re on the opposite side of our orbit, the Northern Hemisphere is tipped away from the Sun. The solar rays come in at a lower slant to this part of the world and heat the ground less, making winter.

North of the equator, the June and December solstices mark the beginning of summer and winter, respectively. The effect is opposite for inhabitants of the Southern Hemisphere; for them the December solstice signals the beginning of summer, while winter starts at the June solstice.

For a skywatcher on Earth (at north temperate latitudes), the effect is to make the Sun appear to move higher in the midday sky each day from December to June, and back down again from June to December. A solstice comes when the Sun is at the upper or lower end of its journey; an equinox comes when the Sun is halfway through each journey.”

So, if the solstice is a by-product of Earth’s motion around the Sun, what’s the big hoo-hah about? Why the press releases? It’s a fancy way of announcing that winter will be coming in on Monday and what clued us into that fact. For those of us north of the equator, it marks the longest night and the shortest day of the year. So, should you do anything to celebrate?

The Old Moon in the New Moons Arms, image by Dennis Mammana, from Memphis Geological Society website.
The Old Moon in the New Moon's Arms, image by Dennis Mammana, from Memphis Geological Society website.

Well, yes, as a matter fact there IS something you can do. Parties, of course, are always in order. It’s a partyin’ time of year. In fact, solstice celebrations are some of the oldest known get-togethers in human history. But, the festivities don’t stop with solstice. Wait until December 25 (Christmas Day for those who celebrate that) and you’ll be rewarded with a great celestial sight. Dress up appropriately for the weather in your area, go outside and look toward the western horizon after sunset (in the dusk). If your skies are clear, you should be able to see the planet Venus and the thin crescent Moon low in the southwest. These aren’t really an effect of the solstice — they just happen to be visible a few days after solstice. If you’re lucky, as the sky grows darker you might be able to see the full moon glowing faintly in reflected Earthlight beyond the edge of the crescent. This is called the “Old moon in the new moon’s arms.” Have fun with your celebrations this year — and just remember: six months until the next solstice. Plan now!