Category Archives: stars

Of What Use is a Star?

A friend was telling me about a conversation she had with a family member who criticized her for studying science when “there’s so much more you could do with your life.” My friend asked the family member what the relative thought she should be doing, and the response was about like this: become a doctor, or a nurse—a profession that helps people. Another choice, as the relative suggested to my friend, was to settle down and have kids and forget all about science. When my friend pushed her relative on the subject a bit more, the real truth came out: the relative said that science was against religion and that when you compared the two, religion was always better.

Putting aside the obvious contradiction that becoming a doctor or a nurse does require one to study science (actually become a scientist of the body), the idea that one can compare science and religion—even without the clearly biased opinion of the relative—seems like comparing apples and rocks. In other words, there’s no comparison.

But, I got to thinking about the subtext of the relative’s concerns (again, aside from the clearly sexist assumption that a woman studying science should really be home having babies, something which I’ve always thought is a choice best left to the woman in question), and I see another meaning here. What the relative might really have been asking is “What good is your science?” In other words, what good is astronomy? What use does it have? To a person unschooled in science, or even afraid of it, those are important questions.

But, they’re also fair questions, provided you don’t go around looking for answers that aren’t biased for or against the study of science. It’s a question that I’m sure lots of government officials and elected representatives ask whenever they see a federal budget that includes so many dollars for astronomy research.

HST Looks at Polaris
HST Looks at Polaris

Let’s drill down a little more, though, and ask “of what use is a star?” That’s something that astronomy helps us discover. And, in uncovering the use of a star, we discover links to … ourselves!

From the surface of our planet, the star looks like a point of light. It might be part of a constellation, a star pattern in the sky.

Polaris (which we all know is the North Star for at least a few thousand more years) helps us determine where north is in the sky, in essence, which direction the north pole of our planet is pointing. If we study Polaris’s light through special instruments (spectrometers or spectrographs), we can tell what its chemical makeup is; that is, what chemical elements are in its atmosphere. We can also find out, as HST did, more information about its companion star.

So, in this case, a star is a pathfinder for directions on our planet, and it can tell us something about itself. As we study more stars, we find that they all seem to have some things in common: they were born in clouds of hydrogen gas, they shine (and we can measure their luminosities and use those measurements to tell us how far away they are), and they have different sizes and colors. The sizes and colors tell us something about their masses, compositions, and their life cycles.

HST studies young stars in nearby galaxy
HST studies young stars in nearby galaxy

The more stars you study, the more you learn about the environments in which they’re born. What are their birthplaces? Gas and dust clouds, called nebulae. We find them throughout our own galaxy, and as the image above shows, we see them in other galaxies, too. Throughout their lives, stars enrich their environments by blowing stellar winds rich with elements into interstellar space. When they die, they recycle themselves. Other stars form from the interstellar gas and dust clouds that are left behind when a star dies. And, some of those stars form with planets around them. In our case, the Sun formed from the debris of ancient, long-gone stars. Without the remnants of star death, our star, and particularly our planet, would not have been possible. And, as you may have heard, life on our planet contains atoms that first existed in stars. As Carl Sagan once said, “WE are star stuff.”

Galaxies themselves form from the coalescence of smaller galaxies (dwarfs) of stars, and each star in those galaxies goes through the same birth, life, and death processes that we’ve observed in our own Milky Way Galaxy.

And, the earliest stars that ever shone, more than 13 billion years ago, lit up the universe in a sort of cosmic “first light” that has been reverberating across the light-years ever since.

The technologies we use to study stars are important. Not only do they let us look to outer space for answers, but in some cases, those machines and the computer chips and sensors they use, also benefit humans in many ways. The most obvious use I can think of off the top of my head is the example of sensors built for the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. It turns out they’re also useful for imaging breast cancers. I find that quite poetic: that technology humans developed to look at light from distant objects is also helping humans, who are, after all, part of the cosmic dance that produces galaxies, nebulae, stars, planets, and humans.

So, of what use is a star? Look at your hand, your arm, the face of your loved one, and tell me how poor the universe would be if stars hadn’t formed, lived, and died, leaving their remains to provide the building blocks of more stars, our planet, and eventually, the life upon it.

Feast Your Eyes on Starbirth

Courtesy Hubble Space Telescope
Courtesy Hubble Space Telescope

I am a sucker for starbirth regions. This past week while working on the Griffith Observatory exhibit project, I was browsing around various observatory websites, looking for smacking good images of starbirth regions. While we were looking for some specific objects inside stellar nurseries, I couldn’t help but be dazzled by this one (although we ended up not using it).

What we’re seeing here is a snapshot in time well into the birth process of hot young stars, and as an added bonus, a scattering of smaller young stellar objects which haven’t quite started to convert hydrogen to helium in their cores. All the newborn objects in these clusters are embedded in their birth cloud of gas and dust, giving us a pretty nice look at several stages in the formation process of stars. The dark dust clouds could be harboring more incipient stars, but they’re being eaten away by radiation from the brightest nearby stars. So, if there ARE any about-to-be-born stars in the clouds, their gas and dust supply may get vaporized by the hot winds blowing off the older stellar siblings.

To read more about this beautiful starforming region, go here.

The stars in this image are more massive that our Sun. But, you kinda have to wonder what our own neck of space looked like when the Sun was being born. AS we all know, it formed about 4.5 billion years ago in a cloud of gas and dust, probably along with a bunch of stellar siblings.

As it turns out, the Spitzer Space Telescope has a great image of sunlike stars in formation. Check it out.

NGC 1333 as seen by Spitzer Space Telescope
NGC 1333 as seen by Spitzer Space Telescope

This is quite a bit more interesting because this could well be what we looked like, way back when. The wisps of material are shock fronts in the stellar birth cloud that are carved out by jets streaming from the stellar newborns. What we’re seeing here is an infrared view, not what our eyes would detect. But, Spitzer excels in looking at the glow of infrared radiation emitted by hot young objects that are warming up the nearby clouds of gas and dust. If you want to look at this picture in more detail, go here and click on one of the larger images.

See why I love these regions? They just excite the eye—and the imagination!