Visions from the Cosmos

I’m working on a book and a planetarium show script these days — good things to be doing in the dog days of August! The book is a sort of general survey of astronomy and the script is about Hubble Space Telescope science. And of course, there are hundreds of great images from HST to show off. If you’re into exploring the universe with HST, visit Hubblesite and lose yourself in the cosmos for a while! And then when my book comes out sometime in 2003, you can read all about the science behind the great images from HST, Chandra, and all their sister observatories. In the meantime, here are a couple of interesting images from HST.

Hamburgers Anyone?

Gomezs Hamburger Object
Gomez's Hamburger Object

Probably just in time for summer cookout season, HST Heritage project astronomers took a close-up look at an object nicknamed Gomez’s Hamburger. This familiar-looking object was named after its discoverer — Arturo Gomez (who does his observing at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile). It may look strange, but this is a Sun-like star in its early death throes. You can’t exactly see the star because it’s hidden behind a ring of gas and dust. But you can see the light from the star emerging in a perpendicular direction to the disk. In a thousand years or so, the dying star will get hotter than its current 18,000 degrees — hot enough to evaporate away all that gas and dust. It should be a beautiful sight for our future generations!

Warp Me A Galaxy, Scotty!

ESO 510-G13 (Its a galaxy!)
ESO 510-G13 (It's a galaxy!)

There are many strange-looking things out in the universe — at least they’re strange until you understand what you’re seeing. In this case, what we’ve got here is ESO 510-G13 — an edge-on galaxy that has been twisted and warped by a collision with another galaxy. The titanic gravitational forces have, over millions of years, deformed the galaxies. Not only is the dark dust lane tracing the deformity, but the bright blue clouds of light on the right-hand side of the image are the first generation of massive newborn stars to be formed as a result of this galactic merger. Eventually the shock waves from the head-on collision will die out and a single, normal-looking galaxy will exist here.


It has been a while since I’ve updated this journal. Seems like time just slipped away what with “Real Life” just intervening when it felt like it.

My latest “Real Life” Adventure was the American Astronomical Society meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I’ve been a member for about 8 or 9 years now and try attend both meetings (one in January, one in June) when time and finances permit. About 1400 astronomers attended this one!

At the end of the meeting I took off on a couple of field trips: one to the Very Large Array radio telescope facility in central New Mexico. Had a chance to crawl up inside one of the dishes that was in the barn for refurbishment, and take some lovely photographs of one arm of the array. For those of you who are into movies, this installation is where parts of “Contact” were filmed some years back.

The other place our group visited was the Apache Point Observatory installations — including the
Sloan Digital Sky Survey telescope, and the nearby National Solar Observatory Sacramento Peak Solar Observatory at Sunspot, New Mexico. Some pretty amazing science is being done using these places.

The view from Sac Peak is stunning. It looks out over the White Sands Monument, west of Alamogordo, NM — and you can see for well over a hundred miles on a clear day (or millions of light-years on a clear night!).

Exploring Science and the Cosmos

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