Why I am a FOTO

And You Can Be, Too

Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California
Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, California

Continuing this week’s series about astronomy-related gift ideas, why not consider joining the Friends of the Observatory? I’m a Friend of the Observatory — Griffith Observatory, that is. If you haven’t heard of Griffith, it’s a public observatory in Los Angeles, California that serves up astronomy exhibits and information six days a week. You can wander its exhibits free of charge any day except Monday (and a few holidays when they’re closed), and for a few bucks, you can see their planetarium show. It’s a marvelous place and I highly recommend that if you live in L.A. (or travel there), you check it out. It will amaze you, delight you, and give you a wonderful sense of where you are in the cosmos.

I am a Friend of the Observatory because I support their outreach activities. In the 75+ years since the institution first opened, literally millions and millions of people have looked through the observatory’s telescopes and learned about the universe from the exhibits and planetarium shows.

A few years ago, Griffith renovated and expanded the building and recreated all their exhibits while adding new ones. I had the honor of being their exhibit writer, and when all was said and done, I ended up writing the equivalent of an astronomy book in approachable language for more than 150 exhibit panels. (You can read more about those exhibits here.) It was a fascinating and highly fulfilling project for all of us who were involved.

I am also a Friend of the Observatory because astronomy is one of the sciences that nurtures an interest in all sciences. It connects things together in a cosmic way. And Griffith Observatory helps people understand that connection. Even though I don’t live in L.A. and don’t get to Griffith all that often, I support its mission with my mind, heart, and soul. And, I joined FOTO so that my membership dues could help them continue to make connections to the cosmos for everyone.

A couple of days ago I had some gift suggestions for the holidays. If you’re still trying to find an interesting gift for that special someone, consider a FOTO membership. You’ll be supporting astronomy outreach in one of the world’s largest and most diverse cities. And who knows — maybe your membership will help fund a program that helps a little girl or boy decide to become a scientist.