This is What Earth Does

Earthquake in Japan

By now you’ve heard about the  magnitude 8.9 earthquake that hit near the Japanese city of Sendai.  It has devastated the coastline, destroyed cities, homes, airports, and even cost an unknown number of people their lives. The aftershocks continue and the quake itself sent out tsunami waves across the Pacific basin. It’s an incredible experience and, for the people who are directly involved, it is horrifying.  I have spent some time today watching the videos and looking at the images and eyewitness accounts coming from Japan.  It is very sobering, as you can see from this video of tsunami waves in Japan

he underlying tectonic plates that make up the structure under Earth's surface. Note the Pacific Plate and the "ring of fire" that arcs around the northern part of the plate. Courtesy USGS via Wikimedia. Click to enlarge.

Earthquakes are what our planet does. They are a natural outgrowth of the way Earth is structured and anyone who has had even a beginning geology class in junior high or high school will have learned about them. I’ve already seen some speculation (wild-eyed, of course) that this quake was caused by the Moon, or is precursor to the coming apocalypse and a lot of other nonsense.  Perfectly understandable — when people don’t understand how something works, their fear leads them to assume some pretty outlandish things. But, in this case, the earthquake was caused by forces and processes that we understand from studying the geology of our planet.  It’s a purely natural, albeit horrifying and scary phenomenon.

An earthquake begins with the shifting of rock deep beneath the surface of the Earth. The shaking motion sends shock waves through nearby rock and up to the surface.  It happens all over our planet, but is a fairly frequent occurrence in this area of the world.

Here’s why:  Japan — indeed, the entire Pacific basin — is located on something called the Pacific Ring of Fire. The ring is really the edge of a large tectonic plate called the Pacific Plate.  It is moving, jostling if you will, against other tectonic plates and that slip-sliding/pushing action is what causes earthquakes. It’s that simple — plates of rock rubbing against each other.  The earthquake is simply a release of energy as the plates slip against each other. The rock moves, and that motion shakes the surface. Anything ON the surface is also moved — and often shaken to destruction, depending on the strength of the quake. In the case of this quake, it also sends huge releases of energy through the ocean, triggering tsunamis.

The so-called “ring of fire” is where heat and friction from those plate movements builds up volcanic structures — that is, it helps create volcanoes. Japan lies along that ring of fire, and as we’ve learned today, it rides along the earthquake belt — and sometimes, like today, pays the price for its location.

Earth has undergone earthquakes and tsunamis throughout most of its history. It will continue to do so each time the tectonic plates shift against each other and release the tremendous amounts of tension and energy that get stored up as they push against each other. Tectonics is fascinating topic. Today, it’s also an agent of destruction, and our thoughts go out to the people of Japan who have taken such a horrendous hit.

Take a Journey into Outer Space

Or, Listen to Eminent Scientists Talk about It

I just got a note about a very cool-sounding event that will be taking place on March 16, 2011. It’s called “A Journey into Outer Space” and presents a slate of names many folks have heard of, talking about their science and the future in space. The event features the BBC’s Professor Brian Cox, who will speak about the Large Hadron Collider and dark matter; Charles Simonyi will describe exactly what it’s like to be aboard the International Space Station; Colin Pillinger (of Beagle 2 fame) will ask if there’s anyone else out there; the inimitable Richard Holmes will chart the history of humanity’s fascination with space; Astronomer Royal Lord Martin Rees will talk about everything Big Bang-related; and Rick Stroud will chair. The event is being put on by a group called IntelligenceSquared.

Now, if you were attending this event in person, there’d be a cover charge — and a pretty reasonable one at that, of only £30.00 for regular admission or £15.00 for students. (About $48.00 USD, or €34.00. Go here to convert that to your local currency.)  I think that would be well worth it, if I lived in the area. However, I don’t and so don’t lots of other people. But, the folks at IntelligenceSquared have solved that problem.

For those unable to attend the event in London in person, the organizers have a live stream available, which offers a fantastic interactive alternative for viewerers. Watching live online is free for everybody. You simply have to  create a free account with your email and a password, and then enjoy the event. All the details are on their web site, linked above. Note that the time of the event is given in London time, so be sure and figure out what time that will be in YOUR time zone (and remember, some of us go on Daylight Savings Time this next weekend, so don’t forget to take THAT into account, too).

During the event, live-stream viewers will also be able to discuss the questions raised using our comment tool (including Facebook and Twitter), and vote on the motion if it’s a debate. The IntelligenceSquared folk will forward the best comments on Rick Stroud, who will then ask the panellists to answer the questions.

The organizers have a Twitter account and hashtag, so check out their tweets at:  #iq2space

Many of the panelists are well known to folks in the blogosphere, and it should be an interesting time. And who knows, you might find yourself asking the Astronomy Royal or Professor Brian Cox (or any of the other panelists) a question of your own.