It’s a World-wide Science
In July I wrote about the Astronomers Without Borders Indiegogo campaign called “Telescopes to Tanzania”. The group’s campaign can use a boost and I’m happy to urge you to consider supporting it. AWB spreads the news about astronomy throughout the world, and there’s NO reason why kids in Tanzania shouldn’t get to learn about the same science that kids in other countries get as a matter of course. So, if you’re flush with some bucks (and that might not be more than the cost of a trip to Starbucks), head over there and help ’em out. And, don’t forget to share your generosity and thoughts on their comments page and through Twitter and other social media. Help spread the word, okay?
Still not convinced? How about participating in “Dollar Donation Day” for the Indiegogo Campaign? Any amount, from a dollar and up will count toward the goal. And, share the fundraising link with your friends! Head over to their campaign and shake your wallet loose. And, while you’re at it, join and or contribute to AWB’s awesome work to bring astronomy to everybody, regardless of where they live!