Looking for Eta Carinae Twins in Distant Galaxies

If There’s One, There are Probably Others

eta carinae from HST
A huge, billowing pair of gas and dust clouds are captured in this stunning NASA Hubble Space Telescope image of the supermassive star Eta Carinae. Courtesy NASA/ESA/STScI

I didn’t get to write about this yesterday, what with all the other exciting astronomy results being thrown at us this week.  But, there’s a big, massive, bright, dying star out there that’s going to blow up.  It’s called Eta Carinae, visible from Earth’s surface from the Southern Hemisphere. It’s so fascinating, astronomers want to know if there are any others like it out there.  So, they looked through data from Spitzer Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope to see if any are hidden away in other galaxies.

Eta Carinae is actually two stars in a 5.5-year orbit. The larger, brighter one (the primary) is a luminous blue variable that started out its life with at least 150 times the mass of the Sun. Over time, it has lost the equivalent of about 30 Suns. That’s the monster star which will blow sometime soon. By that, I mean, it will explode as a class of supernova so huge and powerful and bright that astronomers call it a “hypernova”.

Once it does blow up, essentially “any time now”, Eta Carinae will appear incredibly bright in our sky. It would be much brighter than Venus, but  it’s not likely we’d suffer any ill effects from it, due to distance.

Eta Carinae lies some 7,500 light-years away and it suffered an eruption in the 1840s that caught everyone’s attention. At that time, it blew off about ten Sun’s worth of material off at that time. What we see now as a sort of “dumbbell” shape is that ejecta traveling out to space. Add up the massive star, the expanding material, and the known evolution of this thing, and you’ve got a one-of-a-kind object that continues to fascinate astronomers.

Are There More of them Out There?

In astronomy and science in general, we don’t like to see just “one” of anything. While our Sun is special to us, there are more stars like it. The more sunlike stars we study, the more we understand them (and our star) as a “type” and where they fit into the pantheon of all possible stars. It’s the same with Eta Carinae. It’s fascinating, but if there’s one, there should be others. And, they can tell us more about the type of stars Eta Carinaes are.

It turns out there are others out there.  A study using archival data from Spitzer and Hubble found five similar objects in other galaxies. And that’s good.

Why Look for more Members of the Eta Carinae Family?

As one of the nearest laboratories for studying high-mass stars, Eta Carinae has been a unique, important astronomical touchstone since 1840s activity. To understand why that eruption occurred and how it relates to the evolution of massive stars, astronomers needed additional examples. Catching rare stars during the short-lived aftermath of a major outburst approaches needle-in-a-haystack levels of difficulty, and nothing matching Eta Carinae had been found prior to the discovery of others in the Hubble and Spitzer data.

Finding Eta Carinae Twins

Dust forms in gas ejected by a massive star. This dust dims the star’s ultraviolet and visible light, but it absorbs and re-radiates this energy as heat at longer, mid-infrared wavelengths. Those “signals” show up in Spitzer data, and could be matched with objects seen in Hubble observations. But, first astronomers had to find candidate objects.

eta carinae candidates in other galaxies
Researchers found likely Eta twins in four galaxies by comparing the infrared and optical brightness of each candidate source. Infrared images from NASA’s Spitzer Space Telescope revealed the presence of warm dust surrounding the stars. Comparing this information with the brightness of each source at optical and near-infrared wavelengths as measured by Hubble, the team was able to identify candidate Eta Carinae–like objects. Top: 3.6-micron images of candidate Eta twins from Spitzer’s IRAC instrument. Bottom: 800-nanometer images of the same sources from various Hubble instruments.
Courtesy NASA, ESA, and R. Khan (GSFC and ORAU)

An initial survey of seven galaxies from 2012 to 2014 didn’t turn up any Eta twins, which meant they must be rare, indeed. It did, however, identify a class of less-massive and less-luminous stars of scientific interest, demonstrating the search was sensitive enough to find objects like Eta Carinae, had they been present.

In a follow-on survey in 2015, astronomers found two candidate Eta twins in the galaxy M83, located 15 million light-years away. There were also likely Eta Carinaes lurking in NGC 6946, M101, and M51, located between 18 million and 26 million light-years away. These five objects mimic the optical and infrared properties of our galaxy’s Eta Carinae, indicating that each very likely contains a high-mass star buried in five to ten solar masses of gas and dust.

While astronomers study those new candidates more fully, our own Eta Carinae continues to tick along, approaching its hypernova stage. It’s going to be magnificent when it goes.

One question I get from people is, “Has it already blown up?”

That’s entirely possible, and we just haven’t seen it yet. After all, it IS 7,500 light-years away, so if it has already died, there’s a bright surprise waiting us in the future.  You can read more about this finding at the Hubble Space Telescope Web site.

Stay tuned!

Astronomy Firehose: Day 2 of Exploring the Universe from Florida


Astronomy Thought-provokers

The universe is filled with interesting objects that tell some of the most fascinating stories in astronomy. Today, among other topics, we heard about weird x-ray objects and the possibility of searching out civilizations in globular clusters. If anybody in Hollywood needs a writer to cover those ideas for the next galaxy-spanning Sci-Fi epic, I’m your person!

The Andromeda Galaxy’s X-ray Binaries

astronomy news: scientists find x-ray binaries in the Andromeda Galaxy
At approximately 2.5 million light-years away, the Andromeda Galaxy, or M31, is our Milky Way’s largest galactic neighbor. The entire galaxy spans 260,000 light-years across – a distance so large, it took 10 GALEX images stitched together to produce this view of the galaxy next door.
The wisps of blue making up the galaxy’s spiral arms are neighborhoods that harbor hot, young, massive stars. Meanwhile, the central orange-white ball reveals a congregation of cooler, old stars that formed long ago.
Andromeda is so bright and close by that it is one of only three galaxies that can be spotted from Earth with the naked eye. This view is two-color composite, where blue represents far-ultraviolet light, and red is near-ultraviolet light.

So, what happens when an object sends out lots of x-ray radiation? Obviously, it catches the attention of astronomers because it’s very likely telling us that something fascinating is happening. X-rays are generated in very hot, active environments, such as near black holes or in the explosions of massive stars. Our Sun also gives off x-rays, particularly as it generates strong outbursts called flares.

Our galaxy — and many others — has a collection of objects called x-ray binaries. Each one contains a black hole or a neutron star accompanied by a stellar companion. These pairs give off prodigious amounts of x-rays.

Astronomers looked at the nearest spiral galaxy to us — called the Andromeda Galaxy — and 40 of its x-ray binaries. They used the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array, or NuSTAR, to study them and figure out what role they played in early galaxy formation. Some researchers suspect that these objects could have been responsible for heating up intergalactic gas clouds in the early universe. The idea is to study these x-ray binaries in a “nearby” galaxy and then apply what we learn about them to similar objects that existed when the universe was very young.

In x-ray binaries, material from the companion star can “spill over” and then be captured by the strong gravitational pull of the nearby black hole or neutron star. That material gets heated to incredibly high temperatures, and the result is an intense release of x-rays.

NuSTAR looked at a swath of Andromeda, which revealed the 40 binaries. Now astronomers are working on identifying which ones may have black holes and which are powered by neutron stars. These remnants of stellar evolution and their companion stars may have played a very central part in heating the early universe.

Life in a Crowded Stellar Suburb

astronomers think about planets in globular clusters.
Are there planets orbiting the stars of this globular cluster? If so, could there be a thriving interstellar civilization there? Recent studies at Harvard are exploring those possibilities. Courtesy STScI.

As you probably know, astronomers have been finding planets around other stars for a few decades now. The big question — do they bear life? — is the question that is, so far, unanswered. At least one of those planets has been found in a globular cluster, which is a collection of a million (or more) stars packed into an area of space about 100 light-years across. That led astronomer Rosanne DiStefano of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics to wonder whether more planets might exist in globular clusters. And, since she was engaging in “what if” scenarios, she speculated about what civilizations could exist on those planets.

“A globular cluster might be the first place in which intelligent life is identified in our galaxy,” she said today.

Globular Clusters? Really?

At first glance, globular clusters don’t seem like great places to grow planets. They’re old — they formed about 10 billion years ago. Their stars contain fewer of the heavy elements needed to make planets. Those elements (like iron and silicon) are created in earlier generations of stars. Some scientists have argued that this makes globular cluster stars less likely to host planets. However, DiStefano and Alak Ray (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai) think that view is much too negative.  “It’s premature to say there are no planets in globular clusters,” Ray said.

If you look at a globular cluster, it seems like it would be too crowded to allow planets to exist in stable orbits around their stars. However, it turns out that if a star’s habitable zone is close enough in, a planet could exist in a reasonably stable orbit. And, if it’s an Earth-like planet around an older, cooler star, that zone would be pretty close.

Here’s another thing about those clusters. Since they are old, their most massive stars have died off, leaving behind the older, cooler stars — and a supply of heavier elements that could be useful in planet formation.

So, it does seem possible that habitable planets can form in globular clusters and survive for billions of years. Take the next step and endow them with civilizations, and you have a whole new set of thoughts to consider about the possibilities for life on them, and what globular cluster civilizations would be like.

Such a civilization would enjoy a very different environment than our own. The nearest stellar neighbors would be just a trillion miles away, That would make interstellar communication and exploration quite easy, compared to what we have to do here on Earth to talk to the neighbors.

“We call it the ‘globular cluster opportunity,'” said DiStefano. “Sending a broadcast between the stars wouldn’t take any longer than a letter from the U.S. to Europe in the 18th century.”

“Interstellar travel would take less time too. The Voyager probes are 100 billion miles from Earth, or one-tenth as far as it would take to reach the closest star if we lived in a globular cluster. That means sending an interstellar probe is something a civilization at our technological level could do in a globular cluster,” she said.

The closest globular cluster to Earth is several thousand light-years away, making it difficult to find planets from our vantage point. It’s a big problem in the core of a cluster. That’s because the stars there are really jammed in together. But, it could be possible to detect planets on the outskirts of globular clusters. Astronomers might even spot free-floating planets by using applications of gravitational lensing. That occurs when the planet’s gravity magnifies light from a background star.

A more intriguing idea might be to target globular clusters with SETI search methods, looking for radio or laser broadcasts. That concept has a long history: the late astronomer Frank Drake used the Arecibo radio telescope in 1974 to broadcast the first deliberate message from Earth to the globular cluster Messier 13 (M13).

Okay, so we don’t KNOW if there are planets and civilizations in globulars, yet. But, DiStafano and her colleagues have raised some cool things to think about as we look for exoplanets in our galaxy — and beyond. THAT is one of the great attractions of astronomy!