Category Archives: astronomy news

Back in the Saddle

The Universe at a Meeting

Last week, I attended the summer meeting of the American Astronomical Society. This year it was held in Denver, so relatively close to home for me. It was good to see all my colleagues, and very cool to hear some of the latest and greatest astronomy results. It’s almost like a firehose of astro info, and luckily, the AAS has a very capable press officer who pulls together some really great briefings for the press. They’re really more like seminars. Most of the press members who attend this meeting have a great deal of astronomy background, and it’s a pleasure to share those experiences with them.

In the coming weeks I’ll focus some of my entries on the most newsworthy stories we heard this past week, and on a few discussions I found myself participating in with both scientists and fellow writers.  The topics ranged from studies of objects in our own solar system all the way out to galaxies in the earliest epochs of cosmic time.

Certainly, in a meeting of astronomers, we find a lot to talk about, both about the science as well as the instruments that get used to make the ongoing discoveries.  Lately, there’s also been a lot of talk about the International Space Station and what’s going to happen with it. I can’t say that everyone at AAS is a fan of ISS, but the overall trend toward cutting important programs for political gain is something that concerns everyone.

So, stay tuned. I’m back from hiatus, and ready to share the cosmos again!

Super-Earth, Super Atmosphere

55 Cancri e Shows Off Its Blanket of Air

This artist’s impression shows the super-Earth 55 Cancri e in front of its parent star. Using observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and new analytic software scientists were able to analyse the composition of its atmosphere. It was the first time this was possible for a super-Earth.
This artist’s impression shows the super-Earth 55 Cancri e in front of its parent star. Using observations made with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and new analytic software scientists were able to analyse the composition of its atmosphere. It was the first time this was possible for a super-Earth.

Well, this is kind of cool. Or, actually, it’s rather dry and hot.  The 55 Cancri has a super-Earth planet orbiting around it with some unusual properties. Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope to study its atmosphere as this distant world transited across the face of its star. That way, they could study the star’s light as it traveled through the planet’s atmosphere and then deduce something about the conditions on 55 Cancri e.

So, what’s the weather like there?

Turns out it’s dry. Really dry. As the international team of scientists found out, there’s not a trace of water vapor in the blanket of gases smothering this planet. And, since the planet is orbiting very close to its star, conditions are likely too hot to support things like oceans and rivers and lakes on this world. The surface temperature is around 2000º C (that’s 5,432º F, which is only somewhat cooler than the visible surface of the Sun at 7,800º F).

Exploring this Super-Earth

Astronomers call such worlds “super-Earth” because they have a mass larger than our planet’s, but are still much smaller than the really massive, large planets such as the hot Jupiters, super-Neptunes, and so on.

This particular super-Earth is a bit different from some of the others that astronomers have studied. A year there lasts for only 18 hours. That’s because it orbits so close to its star.  Now, that’s a good thing if you want to study a star’s atmosphere because it gives you a LOT of chances to watch as it transits the star. And, using Hubble Space Telescope, and in particular, the Wide Field Camera 3, astronomers were able to analyze the atmosphere and detect the gases hydrogen and helium — the first time this has ever been done with a super-Earth.

There’s a lot more to learn about this world from the HST data gathered, and I’m pretty sure that astronomers are going to use this as a springboard to study even MORE of these massive Earth-size (but not necessarily Earth-like) worlds. Stay tuned!