Category Archives: astronomy news

Across the Light-years from Andromeda

Revisiting the Past
Light Years from Andromeda, 2009

This week Mark and I are releasing a fulldome show version of the very first Loch Ness Productions planetarium show I ever wrote, called Light Years from Andromeda. It tells one of the most important stories in astronomy and cosmology — that of cosmic distance, and humanity’s quest to understand the universe. It is, as we say on the show’s Web page touting the show, “a journey of epic proportions across space and time.”

It seems particularly appropriate to talk about it today, with the release of a new, more precise value for the Hubble Constant. That constant is one of the numbers astronomers use to determine the expansion rate of the universe.  Knowing that expansion rate helps us also determine other factors like the size of the universe and just how old the universe really is. But, the root of all this knowledge is cosmic distance.

Distance in the universe is important to understand, and it is measured by using “standard candles” in the darkness. The standard candles are usually specific types of supernova explosions and, in particular,  a type of pulsating star called a Cepheid variable.  These pulsate with a regular rhythm and they are found in every galaxy we’ve seen so far. You can use the observations of those candles to derive distances across the cosmos.

In Light Years from Andromeda, we focus on a distance that most people have heard of, even if they aren’t up on the latest in cosmology: the light-year. It’s the distance that light travels in a year at a speed of roughly 300,000 kilometers per second. We wanted to bring that figure into some kind of reality for people, so I decided to take them out to the Andromeda Galaxy, which lies some 2.5 million light-years away.  We begin the show there, some 2.5 million years ago, and we bring people back home to the Milky Way, across all that time and space at the speed of light. Along the way we discuss human history set against that travel time. And, when we arrive at Earth, we learn about light-speed and the way that we can use light to measure cosmic distances.  It’s really a simple concept and a simple story to tell. And, it’s been very satisfying to see the show come to life in the new fulldome medium, where we really CAN fly from one galaxy to another and take in the breathtaking beauty of the cosmos.  And, to have it come out now, when the precision of the Hubble Constant is even better than before — well, it just sends chills up my spine. These are the times that make my day as a science writer!

(Check out the trailer for the show below.)

Light Years from Andromeda trailer

Diamonds Loose in the Sky

All that Glitters

When you look at the night sky, of course you see stars glittering up there. And, planets.  And, if you  have a telescope, you can make out the blurry wisps of nebulae and galaxies.  Nebulae are clouds of gas and dust that float in space. They can be starbirth regions, the outpouring of a star (or stars) dying, and a mixture of both.

As it turns out, when you look at the clouds of gas and dust (called circumstellar disks) surrounding some special types of stars, you are looking at something else that glitters: diamonds.  In these regions, there are countless numbers of these tiny sparklers (and I do mean tiny — most are not even the width of a human hair) swarming around in those disks. Yet around some stars, there are enough diamond specks that if you packed them all together, they’d have enough mass to make a tiny moonlet.
Artist's conception of where diamonds are found in circumstellar disks with special conditions that lead to the formation of such diamonds. Courtesy Subaru Telescope, NAOJ. (Click to embiggen.)

How can diamonds form in space? It’s a detective story, really, and a group of scientists from Japan, Germany, and Denmark used Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea in Hawai’i, to study ayoung star called Elias 1 to solve the central riddle of that story: how can diamonds form in space?

When scientists look for diamonds in space, they are like detectives using fingerprints to trace a missing person or find the perpetrator of a crime. The fingerprints of diamond crystals take the form of  lines in the infrared wavelength of light, outside the range of visible light. The first such signature was discovered in 1983 in the circumstellar disk of Elias 1, a young star located in the direction of Taurus. It is is one of many Herbig Ae/Be (HAEBE) stars?young, very bright stars that are about 1.5-10 times as massive as our Sun.

The research team began with clues from previous laboratory research into how diamonds are formed (carbon materials are subjected to  great temperatures and pressures).  They coupled this with observations of stars that are surrounded by dust, and have partner stars that emit tremendous bursts of hard x-ray emissions.   X-rays are emitted under extremely energetic and hot conditions, so that supplies the necessary energy and pressure for a natural diamond factory in space.

The scientists knew from their research that diamonds are formed close to the stars where they exist. They aren’t floating in from random points in space.  Also, diamond stars must have special ingredients: that disk full of carbon material, a hot central star and a companion emitting hard x-rays. The star must be of intermediate mass that can warm up the disk to a medium temperature. Then, carbon onions can form, providing the cradle for diamond creation. The need for such special conditions would explain why we see so few stars with diamond signatures in their disks.

The findings of this research (more details here) will raise even more questions and speculation about the formation of these fascinating crystals. It’s possible that there are tons of diamonds that astronomers cannot yet see because their emissions are hidden from view by shells of material surrounding the stars where they exist.