Category Archives: astronomy-related products


What to Do on those Inevitable Cloudy Nights

It’s raining here again. Last night it was kind of clear, but not for long. Clouds moved in and now those of us who like to see our stars without benefit of clouds are without our favorite pastime until the weather patterns clear out again. These things happen, but there are nights when I’d love a giant can of “Cloud-Be-Gone” — the observer’s friend.

So, what’s a stargazer to do when confronted with highly opaque sky? You could always snuggle up with a good book. I have a lot of them listed in my online store, so you could browse over there for suggestions. For example, there’s always Phil Plait (my friend, the Bad Astronomer) and his Bad Astronomy book. It’s good fodder for figuring out the nonsense that sometimes gets associated with science, and I like his style. Or, you could try the last book I wrote, called Visions of the Cosmos. It was a project that my good friend Jack Brandt and I worked on for several years, trying to bring the best-looking bits of the cosmos to lay readers AND explain some of the science along the way.

Or, you could surf the web looking for astronomy. My favorite web sites (and there are many, so I’ll mention just a few in this entry), are Phil’s site (above), and of course the links to the left in my blogroll. But, where else do I go? Let’s go exploring. First, check out Digital Blasphemy for some very fine space art (like the sample shown here). While you’re at it, buy a membership. It’s cheap and you won’t regret it! Almost all of my desktop wallpapers come from this site and I’ve been a member for several years now. I think Ryan does some of the nicest work around.

Next on my hit parade of almost-daily links is the Mars Exploration page at NASA. It has the latest from all the various Mars missions NASA is involved with and there’s always something fascinating to explore on the pages.

I also like to wander past Tony Darnell’s AstronomyBuff page to see what’s on his mind. We knew Tony way back in the days when he was a high school student and we were working with one of his teachers. He’s always got a different way of looking at things. For more “geeky” details of astronomy, there’s always the appropriately named AstroGeek page. I first found that one in a link from Tony’s page, proving that the world is, indeed, one big link.

Because one of my current projects has to do with space weather, there are a few solar storm sites I visit. Check out for all things related to what our nearest star does to us from time to time. If you’re a teacher or parent looking for ways to teach your kids about the Sun, the Space Weather Center is a sort of one-stop hop for information, games and other activities. It’s put together by our friends at the Space Science Institute in Boulder, Colorado. I like to play some of the games they have on the site, especially the ones that teach about how magnetic fields work. I’m getting pretty good at the magneto bowling game they have there. It takes a little patience, but eventually you can knock those pins over every time.

If you’re a fan of all things Hubble Space Telescope, check out the Hubble Heritage page. It’s a great way to explore the universe as seen by this workhorse of orbital astronomy, as well as some “audience participation” pages featuring things like student poetry inspired by HST results.

Some of the other orbiting observatories have great image galleries, too. You can “learn” while you surf at the Chandra X-Ray Center, where the latest results from the Chandra X-Ray observatory are posted. On the infrared side of things, check out the Spitzer Space Telescope site, especially their Cool Cosmos pages.

Finally, if the search for life elsewhere is your bag, visit NASA’s Astrobiology Magazine online. Lots of good stuff on there, and proof that studying life “out there” requires that we know more about life and its origins right here on Earth.

Astronomy Decor and More

I’ve Got a Thing for Astronomy Decor

(and Accuracy)

I have lots of it. My office is full of astronomy books, which are a form of decor that also serve a useful purpose. And, I have a gorgeous set of black-and-white astronomy images taken in the 1960s at the Observatory Tautenberg that I have hanging here and there.

constellation lamp

But, I also have some whimsical things, like this constellation lamp I found at Lowes Hardware a few days ago. I also have a Moon in My Room, which Mark gave me as a holiday gift.moon in my room

I like it when astronomy gets used in products like this because they lend a nice, cheerful, “fun” air to the stars. And, when it comes to science, people sort of need to be “coaxed” into liking it. Our culture has this weird sort of disconnect about science: we use its technology and “ooh” and “aah” at the pretty pictures from Hubble Space Telescope, and even read in wonderment about things like the Human Genome Project or the latest advances in medical science. But, some people also make fun of science, and sometimes even discard it or dismiss it when it challenges long-held politico-religious beliefs or feelings. If you don’t believe me, look at the debates that sizzle around the edges of the global climate change and environmental issues of our day. (But don’t get me started on cre@tion “science.”)

What I don’t like are things purport to be “scientific” but really are not. There are trends in media for example (including advertising and movies) where science, if it gets mentioned at all, is either misquoted, misused, or just plain flat wrong. My friend Phil Plait, over at Bad has made a career out of finding these mistakes and debunking silly rumors and pseudo-science.

A couple of examples of misuse of science come to mind. First, a catalog for makeup products that we get in the mail has taken to using the word “scientific” to sell soaps and creams. I read these things quite carefully, mostly because I know that no matter how much you pretty up the language to sell this stuff, it’s still just cream in a bottle. And, in this particular catalog, it’s olive oil in a bottle that sells for about four times the price of the same olive oil you can get in the grocery store. But, stick the words “scientifically formulated” on the sales material and suddenly it’s somehow more than just olive oil. Don’t get me started on the irony of using science to sell stuff to women, a population that (until a few decades ago) was largely excluded from science and still finds itself today fighting glass ceilings in research institutions. (Although, it is getting better…)

My second example comes from the mall. Specifically, a store that caters to selling expensive little baby clothes. This spring they’re selling toddler togs festooned with constellation patterns. Great, I think to myself, they’re getting kids started in astronomy early.

Well…. not so much, it turns out. It’s “astrology time” at the baby store, dressing the little ones up in their birth astrological symbols (which, if you don’t it by know, are keyed to positions of the Sun in the zodiac that aren’t the same as they were when astrology was first “devised” several thousand years ago, rendering the most essential aspects of astrology incorrect from the get-go).

Oh, the clothes ARE darling. But, they’re pushing a pseudo-science, not a science. About the only thing that astronomy has in common with astrology is a skyful of stars. So, for the folks who wanna know more about the difference between the two before you head out to the Mall, go to the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and read all about it.