Hubble Space Telescope’s 22nd Anniversary and Me
This past week marked the 22nd anniversary of the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope. It really is hard to believe all that time has passed, but the solid record of science achievements from this famous orbiting telescope is proof that even if you start out with a problematic telescope, you can still do good science. Of course, making Hubble DO that good science took squads of astronauts, ground-based technicians and scientists years of problem-solving to do. But, they did it.
I was not quite in graduate school when Hubble went up on April 24, 1990. I’d been part of a science team at the University of Colorado for just over a year and a half, led by Dr. John C. Brandt, who was (at that time, among his many responsibilities) the co-Principal Investigator for the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph instrument onboard HST. I was working on a project analyzing Comet Halley images; specifically, I was doing astrometry on images of the comet’s tail so that we could analyze how the tail was being affected by the solar wind as the comet rounded the Sun during its last close approach in 1985 and 1986.
Not long after launch, Jack came back from Goddard Space Flight Center and warned us that there could be some problems with the telescope. I think that only a few people knew how bad the problems were, mostly because they were still analyzing the images and calibrating the telescope. But, in June 1990, the full news broke and people were devastated by the idea that HST was flawed. I know we at the university were.
But, even as early as August of that year, we were seeing images that didn’t look awful, and I knew from talking with Jack that there was good science to be had — even if it took a bit longer to analyze the images. Our instrument, however, was pretty badly affected, as was the Faint Object Spectrograph. I started to make notes about the problems with the telescope, and paying attention to the images it was producing. I think I had some idea that I’d write a book about the project someday and I knew it would be good practice to keep notes from the early days. In the meantime, I plugged away on the Comet Halley project, which eventually got published in 1992 as the International Halley Watch Atlas of Large-Scale Phenomena (Brandt, Niedner, and Rahe, with mucho work done by me in a small-credit role).

Well, after that one thing led to another—I studied MORE comets as part of the Ulysses Comet Watch, and I entered graduate school and joined Jack’s GHRS team (albeit as a very junior member). The science flowing from HST was getting better and better, and the first servicing mission proved that the telescope could be brought “up to spec”. So, I decided to shop around the book idea, and took Jack on as a co-author. After a false start or two, we ended up signing a contract with Cambridge University Press, and in 1995, we published Hubble Vision, which was updated a few years later. I also did a planetarium show by the same name, which has been a mainstay of my company’s repertoire ever since (read more about that show here).
I feel like I kind of grew up with Hubble, or maybe we grew up together. I feel privileged to have worked on an instrument team for HST, and to have written about it as extensively has I have. The telescope has for me–and I hope for all people who follow astronomy exploration–expanded the horizons of cosmic understanding. And that’s a great tribute to its 22 years (and counting) legacy!
If you haven’t taken time to browse the images at, take some time to do so. The very act of exploring those pages is a voyage of exploration of the universe.
Check it out!