Category Archives: astronomy

What’s It Like Inside a Black hole?

Back when I used to lecture in the planetarium I would solicit questions from the audience at the end of each presentation. Every once in a while somebody would ask me what it’s like inside a black hole.

Trick question, right?

Well, probably for some of the more smart-aleck audience members it was. But, I always had an answer. I’d go into a little discussion about how we don’t know exactly, and based on a number of factors (including the laws of physics, some Einsteinian laws, etc.), we’ll probably never have a chance to explore the inside of one (and, if the gravity is so strong that light can’t even escape, is the inside of a black hole REALLY a place we want to be?). Following that there’d be a silence as people digested the idea of “being there”. Then we’d get into a discussion about what it be like to be right next to a black hole, which is a lot easier to describe, even if it IS a shrieking maestrom of radiation and searing temperatures.

At the time I was first in school, back in the dark ages of the early 60s, black holes were sort of a mathematical curiosity, a physics problem for which we didn’t have any good examples. That all changed with the advent of telescopes and detectors able to “see” the effects of black holes, including the jets that spray out from the vicinity of one as matter (stars, gas, dust) spiral into the hole. Moreover, black holes have gravitational effects on nearby stars and gas and dust that we CAN track with spectroscopic observations of the light emanating from the nearby region.

The Milky Ways Black Hole Courtesy European Space Agencys Integral Mission
The Milky Way's Black Hole Courtesy European Space Agency's Integral Mission

Which brings us to the center of our own galaxy, where a supermassive black hole about a million times the mass of our Sun lies hidden by gas and dust clouds and star clusters. This SMBH (for short), also known as Sagittarius A* (or SgrA*), radiates tremendous amounts of energy which we can detect in gamma rays. As luck would have it, we have a spacecraft called INTEGRAL that “sees” that radiation. In the image above, INTEGRAL shows us a gamma-ray view of the region near the center of the Milky Way.

Now, SgrA* is a pretty quiet and harmless black hole, and isn’t quite the powerhouse of radiation that others are—like, say, the black hole at the center of galaxy M87, which sports a very active jet. Yet, in the past, the Milky Way’s resident black hole has been restless, and whenever it acts up, the surrounding clouds light up with the evidence.

Right near SgrA* is a cloud of gas called SgrB2, and the two are about approximately 350 light-years apart. Sgr B2 is being exposed to a blast of gamma rays emitted by Sgr A* that went off about 350 years ago. The cloud absorbed the radiation and has been emitting it. Interestingly enough, the astronomers studying the data think that the whole outburst took at least ten years, possibly longer. And they’re using their studies to figure out how often and how strongly “our” black hole turns on, radiates, and then turns off again.

I have to admit, it’s pretty heady growing up knowing that these weird things that scientists once thought were probably rare are now found all over the place (in many galaxies and at the death scenes of supermassive stars). And, I find it very cool indeed that we can study the near-black-hole environment and learn so much about them.

Hubble Finds Infant Stars: AAS Story

Today’s the last day of the AAS meeting, and things are winding down. Yesterday was a busy one—I gave a poster presentation about using arts, poetry, literature, music, and science to teach astronomy in planetarium shows, and spent about 6 hours standing there talking with astronomers interested in how we do what we do. (If you want to read the paper, you can find it at Adventures in the Dome Trade on our Loch Ness Productions web site (it’s a PDF file)). Lots of good interactions and I had the opportunity to talk to a lot of colleagues from my days in the research world and several planetarians who stopped by!


One of the stories released at this meeting is about this lovely star birth region in one of the Milky Way Galaxy’s neighboring galaxies—the Small Magellanic Cloud. The view is so sharp that you can see this small population of infant stars perhaps only a few million years old, from a distance of 210,000 light-years! If you want to read more about it, click on the link above.
There was also a flurry of news about the recently launched SWIFT mission, which is out there observing gamma ray bursts, those mysterious pinpoint brightenings in gamma rays that are second only to the Big Bang in total energy output. They last a few milliseconds and likely are signals from the birth of another black hole in the distant reaches of the cosmos. For more information you can browse over to the Swift web page.
If you want to see more astronomy stories from this meeting, click on over to this page o’ links.