Category Archives: Observatories

Front Seats on the Cosmos


Well, another little travel break took me out to Gemini Observatory in Hawai’i for a few days of meetings. Then, back to California, where I finally had a chance to show my folks around the Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles.

I like to work with observatories; have been doing it now for a few years. Most of the work I do is in public outreach, helping the astronomers get the message out about the work they do in their domes. Gemini has been a steady client since 2004, and Griffith hired me to write their exhibits in 2005-2006.

The work is endlessly fascinating. Just as an example, there’s a press release out from Gemini Observatory about an odd little star that has a surprisingly active magnetic field. You can read more about it here. I started working on that press release in early autumn this year. The first step was to interview the scientist who headed the research team studying the star. We talked by phone a couple of times, and I did some background reading so that I could weave in some ideas about how stellar magnetic fields are generated. That way, we could make the case for why this star is so unusual.

The next step was to send the first draft of the press release to the folks at Gemini for their review, as well as to the scientist. It went through the review process, and the folks at Gemini then commissioned some space art to illustrate the star.

When I was in Hawai’i, I finished my part of the work, and from there it went to final review before today’s publication date. That’s a pretty typical creation/review process, and while I don’t always write the press releases, I do get in on the review and editing process at some point. Along the way, I get to add to my store of astronomy knowledge, which is a constantly changing treasury.

Writing exhibits is quite a bit different; they reach out to a hugely wider audience than a press release, and each panel in an exhibit tells a story of its own. I was quite happy to show my folks and mother-in-law around Griffith, and was curious to see what they’d take away from what they saw. To my great delight, they got exactly what I’d hoped they’d get out of the visit, asking the questions we’d hoped to spur with our work. Plus, it was hugely satisfying to show off what amounts to the equivalent of a giant book spread out across tens of thousands of square feet of exhibit space!

TheSpacewriter, her folks, and Albert Einstein, at Griffith Observatory.

Doing Astronomy

High-stakes Astronomy and Risks

Not quite a year ago, I was invited to write an article for a book called State of the Universe 2008

I decided to write about low-frequency astronomy, that is–radio astronomy detections below about 400 Mhz (read more about radio frequency bands here). In it, I focused on some new arrays online, or coming online in the next decade. Some of the work has been done at Haystack Observatory, which is about 10 minutes away from where I live. The scientists there created an instrument that detected primordial deuterium in our galaxy, quite an accomplishment considering that the line it transmits at is 327 MHz, which is quite sensitive to such things as radio frequency interference from home stereos, microwave ovens, and so on.

Other arrays, such as LOFAR (for Low-Frequency Array), and the Murchison Wide-field Array (formerly known as the Mileura Wide-field Array), are springing up to detect frequencies as low as 80 MHz, which is smack in the middle of the radio and TV broadcast spectrum.

An artist’s concept of how the MWA will look.

There’s fascinating science to be done in such low-frequency regions of the spectrum, and I discuss that in the book, so I won’t repeat it all here. But, what I found equally fascinating was the danger (if you will) that the people who build these arrays face. For example, right now the folks building the MWA are working in the Australian Outback, in temperatures upwards of 45 degrees celsius (for you Fahrenheit fans, that’s about 140 degrees). I was over at Haystack the other day talking to one of the project scientists, and he showed me a picture of another hazard: giant lizards. Some of them are bigger than some of the detector array elements. And, he also pointed out that kangaroos can (and probably will) take interest in the array elements (which can’t hurt the roos or the lizards).

Chajnantor Plateau; site of the ALMA array.

The designers and builders of the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile are facing risks of another sort: high altitude and maintaining the health and safety of the workers building the array, while at the same time protecting the high desert environment. I was talking to one of the public relations people for the project during a meeting last month, and he was describing the work conditions and the extreme precautions the workers have to take, since they are working at 2,900 meters (9,500 feet) at the operations support center and at 5,000 meters (16,500 feet) on the Chajnantor Plateau where the array is located. The risks are great, but so are the scientific rewards, provided everyone works carefully and deliberately.

Mauna Kea Observatories on the Big Island of Hawai’i.

Of course, since astronomers frequently work at high altitudes, many are familiar with the risks of such environments. Back when I was in graduate school, I did an observing run at the University of Hawai’i 2.2-meter (88-inch) telescope on Mauna

Kea, on the Big Island of Hawai’i. It’s located at about 4,200 meters (13,779 feet) above sea level, and is another beautiful but potentially risky environment. While there I watched the engineers building the Gemini North facility, and marveled at their ability to work at such high altitudes.

All astronomy, all science, comes with some risk. Look at what got risked to put the Hubble Space Telescope on orbit; it’s working well, but each time it is refurbished, humans put their lives at risk to go into space to do the work.

But, of course, risk is part of the success of any endeavor. The study of astronomy is worth taking some risks; after all, the evolution of the universe is not a planned event; since the moment of the Big Bang (at least) it has involved countless risks (large and small) for each moment that ultimately shape the stars, planets, and galaxies that we study.