Category Archives: politics

NASA News and Public Sentiment

Lots of Handwringing Maybe Not Warranted

So, Monday February 1, the U.S. budget and NASA’s part of it will be announced and the REAL public discussions will begin.  There has been the most amazing amount of speculation, hand-wringing, and downright whining over what’s coming, and I think some of it is unwarranted.  I’ve been watching it gather momentum all week, and wondering just when it was that people lost common sense and began speculating wildly?

At this point (Sunday night) we really DON’T know everything that’s going to be announced. We do know that the “return to the Moon” strategy outlined by George W.  Bush (which was massively underfunded, but he got political props anyway for coming up with an idea whose time was long past) is on the chopping block.

That’s a biggie, and to be honest, I’m not sure it’s an entirely bad thing.  It will force us (Americans) as a nation to consider what we want out of our space program.  At least, it will force those of us who CARE about space exploration and science to think about it.And, I think that this may be a golden opportunity to come up with some space access vehicles that make sense (since the shuttles will be decommissioned very soon).  Do we really want what the Ares and Constellation programs were offering?  Is there a better way?  Can we take what has been accomplished so far and maybe change it to make it work better?

In space, where are we going? And, why are we going there?  Those are questions that this budget news will engender — and I hope that we in the science community make our voices heard about the next steps the U.S. will make in space.

However, this has not stopped a huge number of people who probably haven’t read the whole budget and don’t have the whole story (including politicians who have to play to their bases) from shrilly screaming that NASA’s budget means the end of the American presence in space. In fact, unless the budget is zeroed out (which I doubt), it means nothing of the sort. It means that NASA’s focus may be shifted to things that give the agency a chance of doing some actual science work.  Not that you can’t do science in space — but, if we’re going to go to space, we need modern, up-to-date ways to get there, not a rehash of what we used in the Apollo days with the serial numbers scrubbed off.

For many other Americans, the news is hardly more important than what kind of coffee to buy when they stop at Starbucks in the morning. I read an interesting fact over and over the past few days — and that is that many Americans think that NASA consumes as much as 24 percent of the federal budget.  I do NOT know where this number comes from, but it’s wrong.  The actual amount of money that goes to NASA is less than ONE PERCENT of the federal budget.

That’s right.  ONE PERCENT.  In 2009, that number came to 0.55 percent of the federal budget. In 2010, the proposed budget may be about 0.52 percent of the federal budget. That folks is one HALF of one percent.  NASA proposed a 2010 budget of 18.7 billion dollars. DO the math and you’ll see that it’s a very small part of the U.S. national budget. Just to give you some idea of how little that is, here are some useful comparisons — I scrounged around the Web and found various sites with numbers about what NASA spends and its relationship to other government and personal spending:

* For every dollar that we spend on NASA, our federal government spends another $98.00 on social programs.  This doesn’t include what states spend on the same programs in-state;

* In 2010, the Department of Defense will spend $664 billion dollars; NASA will spend (if it gets its budget) 18.7 billion;

* To put this more personally, Americans spend $97 billion dollars a year on beer. We spend over half a trillion dollars on gambling; we spend more $27 billion on pizza;

* Another way to look at NASA’s budget — Bernie Madoff scammed $50 BILLION dollars with his phony investment schemes;

Now, there’s no arguing that$18.7 billion is a lot of money — but look what we get for it:  employment for hundreds of thousands of Americans at NASA centers, at the contractors who serve NASA (and yes, I do work for NASA as a contractor from time to time), and for the support industries that work with those contractors. That money in turn gets spent in the marketplace (groceries, toys, booze, cars, goodies), gets invested in stocks and retirement funds, it pays state and local taxes, and unlike the money that gets spent on beer, alcohol, food, etc. it doesn’t have a further cost to society.  What we spend on alcohol and food and drugs almost always costs society more later on (in terms of medical care, etc.).  NASA money gets spent to create technologies that let you call your mom from across the country, tweet to your buds, save the life of a child with a heart condition, forecast our weather, and fly safely from Point A to Point B.

It brings science to a new generation of Americans — the very ones we want to send to space, to create the new technologies we’ll need for space exploration AND for the ground-based infrastructures that will support it. Our country IS in a crisis of science education due to the past decade of poor treatment by an administration more interested in evangelical votes and corporate contributions and banking deals than science education.  NASA is in a good position to spur a whole lot of interest in continued science education.  Heck, it spurred ME when I was a kid and many people in the generations who grew up watching Moon landings and Voyager missions, etc. have grown up to participate in the missions that followed. We got good jobs working on things like Hubble Space Telecope and Mars missions, etc.

And, as many of us know, NASA creates and supports technological spinoffs that are at work in our homes, offices, hospitals, airports, and so many other places.  Your cell phone, your computer, the stuff in your house — everything you touch very likely owes some aspect of its existence to NASA-related technologies.

I think you get the point.

The other point I want to drive home here is that even if the Constellation and/or Ares programs are shut down or drastically changed — it’s NOT the end of our involvement in space and I wish people would stop with this “sky is falling” mentality. We are still exploring the solar system, building things in space, and employing lots of bright people on the ground. Americans will continue to do that.  So, would all the people (politicians and pundits included) who are wringing their hands over the changes in NASA’s budget please calm down?  Let’s calmly and rationally look at this new budget and the possible changes in direction for NASA and see what the upside is.  The time to scream bloody murder isn’t here, just yet.

Note: my good buds Nancy Atkinson and Phil Plait also have discussed these issues in their blogs — Nancy’s from 2009 and Phil from just earlier today. Check ’em out!

Redoubtable Volcano

Monitoring the Eruption from Space and the Ground

The ash cloud from Redoubt Volcano as seen from MTSAT. (Click to embiggen.)
The ash cloud from Redoubt Volcano as seen from MTSAT. (Click to embiggen.)

Well, it sure is a good thing that we monitor volcanoes, isn’t it?  Redoubt volcano in Alaska just continues to send ash into the air, and is triggering floods and ash flows downslope.  Luckily, since there was ample warning from the monitoring network, the folks in the region had a chance to prepare.  But, even with preparation, the damage done by ashfall is pretty bad.

Monitoring stations on the ground and in space are showing pretty clear images of just how impressive this ash-eruption is. This view from space shows us that volcanoes are easily visible from space.  Heck, we’ve seen volcanoes on Io using spacecraft, so why not eruptions on our own planet? Seems like a perfectly good expenditure, particularly considering that it saves lives and teaches us more about our own planet.  This is particularly true of the Alaskan volcanoes, which are all located along a curved line called the Aleutian Arc, which is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire active region. These volcanoes are fired up in large part because there are active deep-ocean trenches and volcanic belts associated with plate movements.

Ash fall at Homestead Lodge, 35 miles from Redoubt Volcano in Alaska. Knowing this eruption was going to happen likely helped the people who live near here prepare for the worst.  Credit: James Isaak. (Click to embiggen.)
Ash fall at Homestead Lodge, 35 miles from Redoubt Volcano in Alaska. Knowing this eruption was going to happen likely helped the people who live near here prepare for the worst. Credit: James Isaak. (Click to embiggen.)

The action heats up Earth’s crust in these regions; the heat has to go somewhere, and so it melts rock and powers the volcanoes. If you look at a map of the Ring of Fire, you’ll see that it extends all the way down the coasts of North and South America, as well as along the eastern part of the Pacific Rim.  And, there are lots of volcanoes along that arc — some active today, some quiescent but potentially dangerous in the future.

These regions also happen to be extremely well-populated. Some of Earth’s largest cities, richest fishing areas, and agricultural regions are also along the ring.

So, knowing the signs of incipient volcanic eruptions and the damage they can do is pretty important to a lot of people. Their lives — and ours, if we depend on their agriculture and fisheries — depend on being able to avoid and survive volcanic eruptions like the one we’re seeing happen at Redoubt now.

Redoubt Volcano on March 26, 2009. (Click to embiggen.)
Redoubt Volcano on March 26, 2009. (Click to embiggen.)

The views of Redoubt (aka “Jindal’s Bane”) from the ground continue to flow in from a Hut web cam that is running pretty much on battery power. Seismic monitors are giving a constant flow of data about ground movements, and I read earlier today that pilots were reporting visual confirmation of the ash cloud towering some 65,000 feet (that’s almost 20 kilometers) above sea level.

Today the volcano had one large eruption at 9:24 a.m. Alaska time. Volcanic tremors are increasing, which means there is movement of something below the surface. How it will all play out is anybody’s guess at this point.

If you’d like to continue getting news about Redoubt and other Alaskan volcanoes, check out the Alaska Volcano Observatory pages. You’ll find updates and a pretty amazing (and ever-growing) gallery of images.  This is science news we can use and appreciate!