Category Archives: radio astronomy

Could Stars Form Near Black Holes?

Apparently They Can in the Milky Way

While I was gone a lot of really good astronomy  news came out.  It’s tough to stay on touch onboard ship, what with access being expensive and not very fast, so I stockpiled stories until I could get home and read more about them. One of the tales that caught my eye was a study made by the newly commissioned Atacama Large Millimeter Array, an international collaboration in millimeter and submillimeter astronomy between North America, Europe, and East Asia. In the U.S. it falls under the wing of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and is funded by the National Science Foundation. ALMA is a single instrument composed of 66 high-precision antennas that function as one telescope.

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The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array at its 16,500 ft elevation site in northern Chile. ALMA is becoming the most powerful telescope of its kind in the world. At the time of this photo, 19 radio telescopes were in the array. The initial array of 66 radio telescopes is now complete and stretches over a nearly 100 square mile area. CREDIT: W. Garnier, ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO)

As part of its scientific study of the universe, ALMA focused its attention on the center of our Milky Way, looking for tracers of star formation in the region. The core of our galaxy has at least one massive black hole at its heart, and as most folks now know, a black hole’s neighborhood is not usually considered a great place to raise little stars to become big ones. For one thing, the gravity of a black hole produces tidal forces that would disrupt any nearby clouds of gas and dust that could be sites for star formation.  The whole region of the black hole is not very hospitable, and of course, anything that gets TOO close to the accretion disk of a black hole runs the very real risk of getting caught up in the strong gravitational pull of the singularity.

A combined ALMA and Very Large Array (VLA) image of the galactic center. The supermassive black hole is marked by its traditional symbol Sgr A*. The red and blue areas, taken with ALMA, map the presence of silicon monoxide, an indicator of star formation. The blue areas have the highest velocities, blasting out at 150-200 kilometers per second. The green region, imaged with the VLA, traces hot gas around the black hole and corresponds to an area 3.5 by 4.5 light-years. Credit: Yusef-Zadeh et al., ALMA (ESO, NAOJ, NRAO), NRAO/AUI/NSF.
A combined ALMA and Very Large Array (VLA) image of the galactic center. The supermassive black hole is marked by its traditional symbol Sgr A*. The red and blue areas, taken with ALMA, map the presence of silicon monoxide, an indicator of star formation. The blue areas have the highest velocities, blasting out at 150-200 kilometers per second. The green region, imaged with the VLA, traces hot gas around the black hole and corresponds to an area 3.5 by 4.5 light-years.
Credit: Yusef-Zadeh et al., ALMA (ESO, NAOJ, NRAO), NRAO/AUI/NSF.

Yet, over the past decade or so, astronomers have observed massive youngish stars moving rapidly in the vicinity of the black hole (which is called Sagittarius A*) and that prompted them wonder about where those stars came from. Did they form somewhere else and migrate to the bustling neighborhood of the black hole?  Or, did they somehow form in clouds of gas and dust despite the odds of their stellar birth creches being torn apart by the gravity of the black hole?

ALMA took a look at the region, trying to spy out radio emissions from molecules of silicon monoxide (SiO).  This stuff is found in most molecular clouds where stars form, and when the process of star birth reaches a certain stage, SiO becomes excited. That means it is heated and gives off emissions in millimeter and the microwave wavelengths that ALMA can detect. The SiO becomes part of a river of superheated material that flows away from a newborn star in a jet-like structure, and that makes these molecules tracers of star formation in a cloud.

When ALMA studied the Sagittarius A* neighborhood, it found telltale jets of material flowing away from extremely dense cocoons of gas and dust not all that far from the black hole. Those jets likely indicate the presence of star formation inside the cocoons.  If so, it means that the clouds have enough material and self gravity to somehow resist the gravitational pull of the black hole next door. And, because of that, such clouds could have been the birthplaces of the hot young stars we already see whizzing around in the core of the galaxy. It’s a neat finding, and just the sort of result that ALMA will study in the universe at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths of radiation.

ALMA had its first light earlier this year and is now in what’s called “science verification”. This is a period where the instruments in the array get tested on real targets. In addition, as new parts of the array come on line throughout the year, they will be added to the observing power of the full array and tested as well. Eventually 66 antennas will be able to focus on the sky, giving astronomers 71,000 square feet of radio light collecting area. This will allow them to look farther out through space, and look at dim, distant, and small objects and processes in the universe.

Radio Noise Pollution

It’s Not Just About the Neighbors

A while back, I wrote an article for a book called State of the Universe 2008, and in it I discuss how some local astronomers were hunting for the very faint and elusive signals from the 327 MHz deuterium line out in space. This may sound rather esoteric — and it is if your life doesn’t revolve around trying to find out how much deuterium is left over in the cosmos after 13.7 billion years of stellar formation (which destroys deuterium).  For astronomers however, this is an important quantity to know since all the deuterium that ever existed in the cosmos was made in the Big Bang. If you find deuterium in great quantities somewhere, then it’s a pretty good sign that there’s been no stellar activity to suck it up.

The signal for deuterium (327 MHz) is detectable, but only just barely. And, if there’s any kind of radio frequency interference (RFI) in the vicinity of the detector, then it wipes out the deuterium signal. And I do mean ANY kind of signal — including RFI from sound systems, door bells, radios, cell phones, and answering machines.  The folks at MIT Haystack Observatory built a deuterium array and then spent months “mitigating” RFI from the nearby homes. It was worth it: these scientists were the first to detect and confirm this material.

But, they aren’t the only radio astronomers to be affected by nearby noise. Just like radio astronomers around the world, the folks at Greenbank, West Virginia (home of a major radio observatory) are constantly fighting RFI from things as simple as a car engine or a heat pad on somebody’s bed.  The signals they track down from earth-based sources are often more than strong enough to wipe out the faint frequencies emanating from distant pulsars and other cosmic sources.

This is why radio observatories have radio-quiet zones around them. And inside those zones, people can’t use technology that interferes with the faint signals from space. I’ve visited facilities where we’ve been asked to turn off cell phones, not use digital cameras, and refrain from turning on the wireless transmitters on our laptop computers. As annoying as it might be to visitors or the neighbors, having an RFI-free environment for science is important. The alternative is to move the observatories away from where they are (with the concomitant loss of jobs, etc.) and try to find other radio-quiet places (which the folks who are building the MWA and ALMA are doing). On a planet where there’s hardly anywhere left unexplored and unsettled, that’s getting to be a tough (and expensive) proposition.