teaching a master about planetary exploration

I’ve often wondered what it would be like for one of the astronomers of the past to come alive today. What would it be like for them to see what we’ve been doing in physics, space and planetary exploration, biology, chemistry, and so on? It’s a great storytelling hook: bring somebody like Galileo, for example, to a modern time and let them marvel at what we’ve done.

In Galileo’s case, he’d likely understand planetary exploration pretty well. People have been looking at the planets for several thousand years and he took advantage of that. Yet, I think you could say that the true exploration of the solar system began with him. He pointed his homemade telescope at Jupiter in early 1610 and found the four largest moons, which astronomers later gratefully named “the Galileans” in his honor. That set off a mad dash of Earth-based observations that continues to this day. And, I bet he’d be enthused that a Jupiter exploration spacecraft was named for him: Galileo.

A artist's concept of our solar system worlds as seen through our planetary exploration tools. Courtesy NASA.
Our understanding of the solar system has grown greatly in the days since Galileo’s first observations.
Courtesy NASA.

Planetary Exploration: What’s First?

So, what would Galileo think of the most recent planetary exploration efforts? Imagine that we could sit down with him for an afternoon and bring him up to speed. Where would we start? Probably the best approach is to take it in a linear timeline. That would give him the depth and breadth of humanity’s efforts at learning about the solar system in situ.

Planetary scientists began their spacecraft explorations in the early 1960s, with spacecraft sent to the Moon and Mars. After that came Venus and Mercury. Oh, and the Sun, let’s not forget that.

In the 1970s, they added Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune to the list of targets. Pluto didn’t get a visit until nearly five years ago, in 2015. And,the rest of the solar system objects (such as asteroids and comets), have been explored only beginning in the mid 1980s (with four spacecraft sent to Comet Halley). I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but this is the general trend of solar system exploration: select the targets and make spacecraft to explore them.

So, I can imagine telling Galileo, “Well, sir, we’ve looked at nearly everything now. You’re best remembered for those Galilean satellites you found, so we’ve sent several spacecraft out to explore Jupiter and its moons. In fact, we’re thinking of sending more spacecraft to explore Europa.”

And, then, he nods sagely in agreement. With a quirky smile and a glint in his eye, he raises his arms to the heavens and asks, “What about exoplanets? I’ve read about those? What are you doing about them?”

And, I say, “We’re still at the stage of merely detecting them from a distance. But soon, very soon, we should be able to point very complex instruments at them and learn much more about those distant worlds.”

He nods again. “Of course. Now, tell me more about the most-explored world!”

Would that Be Mars?

Of course, Earth is the world we know best. And, we explore it with spacecraft continually. There’s still much to learn about our home planet. But, our imaginary Galileo isn’t interested in that. He wants to know more about other planets. So, I choose Mars. “You know of Mars, the Red Planet, right?”

He nods, favors me with a gentle smile, and opens his hand to encourage me to tell him more. “Sì, per favore continua.”

I smile because I know he’s gonna LOVE the tale of Mars exploration.

“Well, we’ve sent dozens of spacecraft to explore Mars—about eighty, in fact. Not all of them made it safely, but the ones that have told us wondrous tales of the Red Planet,” I start out by saying.

I go on to tell him about my favorite spacecraft (of the moment): Mars Curiosity. “It’s a roving machine that landed on Mars in the year 2012. It has wheels and follows commands sent to it from Earth to roll around and study the rocks and sand that are on the surface. Curiosity is a rugged explorer and has taught us much.”

As I talk, I wonder if he’s understanding half of what I say. But, the alert, lively look in his eyes tells me that this whole story has piqued his curiosity. He nods in understanding, and bids me to go on.

Curiosity’s Summer of Planetary Exploration

When Curiosity landed on Mars, it settled down near a peak called Mount Sharp. It’s centered in Gale Crater, an impact feature that appears to also have been inundated with water sometime in the past. Curiosity has explored clay-rich regions and will soon begin to explore sendimentary rocks on the slopes of Mount Sharp. Every layer of rock will reveal some clue to Mars’s water-rich past.

To get to its target, Curiosity will have to steer around a sandy stretch of landscape. Controllers don’t want it to get stuck in the sand as one of its predecessors, the Spirit rover did. So, it has to move about a mile (about a kilometer and a half) around the sand pit. Once Curiosity arrives on the slope of Mount Sharp, then it will resume its study of topsoil and rocky layers.

“But, why study the rocks?” asks Galileo. I smile at him. It could be that he’s not completely aware of the relationship between rocks, water, and the possibility of life. So, I take a deep breath and explain more.

“Signore Galileo, rocks tell a tale of conditions on the planet. Here on Earth, some rocks erupt from volcanoes and flow onto the landscape. Other rocks form as layers of dirt and sand pile up on each other. The wind may deposit them. Or, water may move them into layers. Rocks that have been in contact with water have special characteristics and chemical elements. The same types of rock have formed on Mars. We look for sedimentary rocks, for example, in order to understand where and when the water existed on this planet. And, of course, life requires water. So, if Mars once had a lot of water, perhaps it supported life.”

Why Explore a Planet?

Galileo considers this for a while. In fact, he stays deep in thought for a long, long time. Then, he asks many questions about how the spacecraft does this. I tell him about Curiosity’s instruments and how they work. I mention that teams of scientists and technicians control the spacecraft and tell it what to do. Of course, I also tell him about the long distance between us and Mars. Finally, he asks, “What will you do with all this knowledge of Mars?”

A good question.

“Signore, among other things, we hope one day to GO to Mars,” I say, hoping that he understands the need for humans to explore. “To have people stand on its surface and explore it first-hand is a big step for all of us. These spacecraft we send are like the first explorers of your own time who sailed the seas of Earth to find new lands. In this case, however, we want to approach Mars with respect, and if it has life, we need to know what that life consists of. If it has no life, or if we decide to live there, we need to know about its characteristics. Spacecraft such as Curiosity send back valuable data so that we can plan future missions for more robotic missions, and eventually, for humans.”

The Future Through the Past

The first peek through a telescope that Galileo Galilei took may have been a baby step, but it provided humanity with a leap to the planets. What if Galileo had never looked through a telescope? Chances are that somebody else would have, eventually. The telescope existed in his time, and it only needed one person to use it for planetary exploration. So, somebody else would get the credit for first astronomy use of a scope. But, the story might not be as crucial to science as Galileo’s contributions came to be.

If Galileo lived today, I have no doubt he’d be heading up spacecraft missions, directing people to do everything they could to explore distant worlds. That’s because he was a curious person, just as we are today. His questions started revolutions of thought and science. Galileo’s influence may have begun in the past, but it pointed the way to a future of planetary exploration. The smallest acts reverberate throughout time. And so, we have Galileo peeking through a scope at distant worlds, and with that act, he inspired the exploration of places such as Mars.

Viruses on Earth (and Beyond?)

It seems like every few days, we hear about the discovery of another planet around a distant star. I think it’s great that we’re finding so many planets “out there”. It means that our solar system isn’t the only one in the galaxy (or in the universe, for that matter).

Implicit in the search for other planets is the search for life in the universe. Life, in other words, besides ourselves and the species that populate our planet. Astrobiologists (the scientists who study life and its possibilities on other worlds) are looking for conditions for habitability elsewhere. Of course, habitability means different things to different life forms.

A place that supports human life, for example, might not be very hospitable to other life forms. We see that in our own oceans, by the way. Humans can’t live in them without special habitats or suits; and whales and other denizens of the sea can’t make it on the land. So, we have a fine example of habitability right here on Earth. The same will play out as we look at other planets in detail to figure out which life they can support, and which forms they can’t. And, that includes viruses, which may or may not be considered living things, but certainly have an effect on life. As we are learning this year.

The SARS-CoV-2 virus currently infecting people around the world.
The SARS-CoV-2 virus currently infecting people around the world. CDC/Alissa Eckert. From CDC Public Health Image Library.

Wafting Viruses on Earth

Viruses and bacteria have existed on Earth for a long time. They’re part of the inventory of Terran biological specimens, along with planets and animals and humans. We’ve learned to live with most viruses and bacteria, even as we’ve developed medicines to help fight off their effects in humans. I say “most” because right now, we’re still struggling with the “fighting off the effects of” SARS-CoV-2, which is infecting large parts of the world right now.

I‘ve written about this virus from a science-fiction standpoint, but there’s nothing SF about its effects on humans. We don’t have a medicine or a vaccine that’s 100 percent effective.


All we have at the moment are recommendations for mask-wearing, hand-washing, and social-distancing. Those, if taken all together, can and do help prevent the spread of the virus human-to-human. In places where these directives have been followed, transmission does eventually slow down. In places where people insist on gathering mask-free, having physical contact, and not washing their hands—well, the results are devastatingly tragic.

Part of the discussion about the COVID-19 disease focuses on how easily the virus travels between us. People know and accept (or they should) that the virus can travel through the air on sneezes and coughs. We know this from how easily colds and flu spread. The droplets we emit can carry viruses and bacteria. Viruses themselves can get caught up on the breezes, and ride the air. That’s why the common separation between people to help avoid catching the virus is six feet (just under two meters). Personally, I think it should be more.

Of course, viruses and bacteria ride the winds around our planet all the time. This is in addition to hitching a ride with animals and people. That’s true not just of the coronavirus we’re fighting now, but many others. I read a study the other day, describing the scientific measurement of the troposphere of our planet (just below the stratosphere). Researchers found viruses riding along on air currents there, on captured soil particles, and droplets of water from the ocean (whipped up into sea spray).

If and when all this viral load falls to the ground (as it eventually does), each square meter of the planet’s surface can be covered by hundreds of millions of viruses, as well as bacteria. (Want to know more about the study? Check out this 2018 study from the University of British Columbia.) So, viruses are a part of the inventory of “things” on this planet. They’re part of what we live with on Earth.

Viruses in Space

So, could viruses arise on other planets? Travel through interstellar space? Sure. I mean, it seems that if the ingredients for life are on those planets (the chemical precursors, water, warmth, something for them to latch onto), then yes, they could be on distant worlds. And, there are most certainly mechanisms to carry them from world to world in a planetary system (collisions sending rocks from one world out to orbit and eventual capture by another planet, for example).

Viruses aren’t necessarily considered to be life forms by biologists, although there’s a lot of debate about that. One thing they can agree on is that a virus is an infectious agent. Take SARS-CoV-2, which is causing so much trouble. It’s basically a bundle of RNA (genetic material) wrapped up in a bag of protein. (Note that some viruses consist of bundles of DNA, too, all wrapped up in a delivery envelope.) The SARS-CoV-2 bundle is, itself, encapsulated inside a lipid coat. Lipids are the basis of fats. Our little fiend also has little spikes protruding out from itself that help it “stick” to cells inside our bodies. Once inside a person, the virus injects its stuff inside of healthy cells, which then help it replicate itself inside the body. Mayhem ensues.

That sounds like vicious life form, but there’s no evidence that the virus itself is alive in any sense that we understand “life”. Some scientists think they ARE life because they carry genetic information and they reproduce, but others don’t accept them as life because of the lack of cellular structures inside the lipid shells. No matter — they exist on this planet and have done so from earliest history. In the grand scheme of things, there are helpful viruses that have evolved, and there are the unhelpful ones — like COVID-19. And, they came about using the same materials on the early Earth that helped form life. And, if they form here from our chemical element “load”, then they can likely do it elsewhere in the solar system and beyond.

Viruses in the Great Beyond

When we get around to thoroughly exploring planets (in person, for example) in the future, tests for life should include the search for viruses and bacteria. Sampling a planet’s chemical abundances on the surface, in the atmosphere, and in any bodies of water, will be necessary in the search for viruses, bacteria, and complex life forms. That’s only common sense. We have no way of knowing if an alien virus is harmFUL or harmLESS to human life. It’s a rough chance to take in exploration. We have the SARs-CoV-2 to thank for showing us that viruses new to humans can play nasty with our systems. Humanity is learning that lesson now, as we see how different people react to the virus; some get very, very ill (and die), while others suffer flu symptoms, and still others don’t even know they have it.

When our intrepid explorers head to Mars, for example, they should search for evidence of things that could have formed viruses in the past. Granted, the surface may be completely sterile, thanks to continual bombardment by solar ultraviolet radiation, but that’s not the only place where evidence lies. Digging beneath the surface will uncover further evidence, if it exists, of Martian viral forms. And, maybe, bacteria, too.

The same will be true of other places in the solar system, and beyond. Viruses, as we have learned from virology studies, are tenacious, opportunitistic agents. The quick spread of the COVID-19 disease proves that. Despite its size, it can teach a lesson to us about itself, and about what we must do to avoid the worst effects of this virus, and its possible cosmic cousins.

Exploring Science and the Cosmos

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